dry method

dry method
сухой метод

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "dry method" в других словарях:

  • Dry-ice blasting — used to clean a rubber mold Dry ice blasting is a form of abrasive blasting, where dry ice, the solid form of carbon dioxide, is accelerated in a pressurized air stream and directed at a surface in order to clean it. The method is similar to… …   Wikipedia

  • Dry ice blasting — is a process in which dry ice is accelerated in a pressurized air stream and directed at a surface in order to clean it. The method is similar to sand blasting, plastic bead blasting, or soda blasting but substitutes dry ice as the blasting… …   Wikipedia

  • Dry distillation — is the heating of solid materials to produce gaseous products (which may condense into liquids or solids). The method may or may not involve pyrolysis/thermolysis. The products are condensed and collected. This method usually requires higher… …   Wikipedia

  • Dry Dock Complex (Detroit, Michigan) — Dry Dock Engine Works Detroit Dry Dock Company Complex U.S. National Register of Historic Places …   Wikipedia

  • Dry cleaning — (or dry cleaning) is any cleaning process for clothing and textiles using a chemical solvent other than water. The solvent used is typically tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene), abbreviated perc in the industry and dry cleaning fluid by the… …   Wikipedia

  • Dry rot treatment — refers to the techniques used to eliminate dry rot fungus and alleviate the damage done by the fungus to human built wooden structures. The commonly held view of an outbreak of the dry rot fungus (Serpula lacrymans) within a building is that it… …   Wikipedia

  • dry — adj 1 Dry, arid mean devoid of moisture. Dry may suggest freedom from noticeable moisture either as a characteristic or as a desirable state {a dry climate} {1dry clothing} {dry land} {dry provisions} …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Dry sump — A dry sump is a lubricating motor oil management method for four stroke and large two stroke piston internal combustion engines that uses external pumps and a secondary external reservoir for oil, as compared to a conventional wet sump system.… …   Wikipedia

  • Dry blowing — is a method to extract gold from dry soil without the use of water. One method is to pour dry soil from a height into a pan, the wind would blow away finer dust allowing gold particles to fall into the pan.[1] Alternatively, the prospector would… …   Wikipedia

  • Dry plate — Dry plate, also known as gelatin process, is an improved type of photographic plate. It was invented by Dr. Richard L. Maddox in 1871, and by 1879 it was so well introduced that the first dry plate factory had been established. With much of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Dry lubricant — Dry lubricants or solid lubricants are materials which despite being in the solid phase, are able to reduce friction between two surfaces sliding against each other without the need for a liquid media. Such lubricants, including materials such as …   Wikipedia

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