- dry analysis
спектральный анализ
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
dry analysis — sausoji analizė statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Neištirpintos kietosios medžiagos analizė. atitikmenys: angl. dry analysis; solid analysis vok. Trockenanalyse, f rus. анализ сухим путем, m; сухой анализ, m pranc.… … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
dry analysis — kietoji analizė statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Neištirpintos kietosios medžiagos analizė. atitikmenys: angl. dry analysis; solid analysis rus. сухой анализ … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Dry needling — is the use of solid filiform needles for therapy of muscle pain, sometimes also known as intramuscular stimulation.[1] The needles are similar to acupuncture needles. Dry needling contrasts with the use of a hollow hypodermic needle to inject… … Wikipedia
dry — adj 1 Dry, arid mean devoid of moisture. Dry may suggest freedom from noticeable moisture either as a characteristic or as a desirable state {a dry climate} {1dry clothing} {dry land} {dry provisions} … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Dry bay — Dry bays are the compartments immediately adjacent to fuel tanks or other flammable fluids. They frequently contain fluid lines, control lines, electrical equipment, etc. Ballistic damage to some of these bays, from penetration due to weapons… … Wikipedia
Dry September — is a short story by William Faulkner. Published in 1931, it describes a lynch mob forming (despite ambiguous evidence) on a hot September evening to avenge an alleged (and unspecified) insult or attack upon a white woman by a black watchman, Will … Wikipedia
dry lab — n a laboratory for making computer simulations or for data analysis esp. by computers (as in bioinformatics) called also dry laboratory compare wet lab … Medical dictionary
Dry county — This article is about counties in the U.S. that prohibit alcoholic beverage sales. For the Bon Jovi song, see Dry County (song). For the song by The B 52 s, see Cosmic Thing. Map showing dry, wet, and mixed counties in the United States. (See… … Wikipedia
Dry lab — This article is about DRY LAB. For DRY MINILAB, see Minilab. A dry lab is a laboratory where computational or applied mathematical analyses are done on a computer generated model to simulate a phenomenon in the physical realm whether it be a… … Wikipedia
Dry line — Idealized depiction of where a dryline is located around an extratropical cyclone A dry line (also called dew point line, or Marfa front)[1] separates moist air from the Gulf of Mexico (to the east) and dry desert air from the south western… … Wikipedia
Dry matter — The dry matter (or otherwise knows as dry weight) is a measurement of the mass of something when completely dried. The dry matter of plant and animal material would be its solids, i.e. all its constituents excluding water. The dry matter of food… … Wikipedia