- downflow spout
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Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
spout — Synonyms and related words: anabasis, ascension, ascent, avenue, babble, beak, belch, blab, blabber, blather, blether, blow open, blow out, blowhole, blowout, bond, bottomry, brash, break out, burst forth, burst of rain, burst out, carry on,… … Moby Thesaurus
gush — Synonyms and related words: abound, abundance, access, accession, accretion, accrual, accruement, accumulation, addition, advance, affluence, afflux, affluxion, aggrandizement, ample sufficiency, ampleness, amplification, amplitude, anabasis,… … Moby Thesaurus
flow — Synonyms and related words: Atticism, Brownian movement, abound, abundance, accrue from, advance, affluence, afflux, affluxion, air flow, ample sufficiency, ampleness, amplitude, angular motion, appropriateness, arise, arise from, ascend,… … Moby Thesaurus
outflow — Synonyms and related words: affluence, afflux, affluxion, blow out, concourse, confluence, conflux, course, crosscurrent, current, defluxion, discharge, downflow, downpour, drain, drain out, drainage, drift, driftage, effluence, efflux, effluxion … Moby Thesaurus
pour — Synonyms and related words: Niagara, abound, accord, administer, afford, allot, allow, award, bail, beat, bestow, bestow on, blow out, brash, bristle with, bucket, burst of rain, cascade, cast forth, cataclysm, cataract, cloudburst, communicate,… … Moby Thesaurus
surge — Synonyms and related words: Charybdis, access, accession, accretion, accrual, accruement, accumulation, addition, advance, affluence, afflux, affluxion, aggrandizement, amplification, anabasis, appreciation, arise, ascend, ascension, ascent,… … Moby Thesaurus
cascade — Synonyms and related words: Niagara, bag, barf, belch, bring up, burst, cataract, chute, collapse, come down, comedown, crash, daggle, dangle, debacle, debouchment, declension, declination, defluxion, deluge, depend, descend, descending,… … Moby Thesaurus
cataract — Synonyms and related words: Niagara, ablepsia, amaurosis, benightedness, blepharitis, blind side, blind spot, blindfolding, blinding, blindness, blurring the eyes, cascade, cataclysm, cecity, choroiditis, chute, collapse, come down, comedown,… … Moby Thesaurus
chute — Synonyms and related words: Ferris wheel, avenue, bank, bevel, bezel, blowhole, brolly, carousel, cascade, cataract, channel, chimney, chute the chutes, chutes, collapse, comedown, country rock, crash, debacle, debouch, declension, declination,… … Moby Thesaurus
cloudburst — Synonyms and related words: brash, burst of rain, deluge, downfall, downflow, downpour, drencher, flood, gushing rain, heavy rain, plash, pour, rainburst, rainspout, rainstorm, scud, soaker, soaking rain, spate, spout, torrent of rain, waterspout … Moby Thesaurus
deluge — Synonyms and related words: Niagara, abound, affusion, alluvion, alluvium, army, aspergation, aspersion, avalanche, baptism, baptize, bath, bathing, be prodigal with, bedewing, brash, burst of rain, bury, cascade, cataclysm, cataract, cloudburst … Moby Thesaurus