- doubling of line
раздвоение линии
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Doubling the cube — (also known as the Delian problem) is one of the three most famous geometric problems unsolvable by compass and straightedge construction. It was known to the Egyptians, Greeks, and Indians.[1] To double the cube means to be given a cube of some… … Wikipedia
Line 3 (Madrid Metro) — Line 3 of the Madrid Metro was opened in August 1936 between Sol and Embajadores, a few days before the beginning of the Spanish Civil War. In 1941 it was extended from Sol to Argüelles, in 1949 from Embajadores to Delicias, in 1951 from Delicias … Wikipedia
Doubling measure — In mathematics, a metric space X with metric d is said to be doubling if there is some constant M > 0 such that for any x in X and r > 0, the ball B(x, r) = {y:|x − y| < r} may be… … Wikipedia
Doubling-oriented Doche–Icart–Kohel curve — A Doubling oriented Doche Icart Kohel curve of equation y2 = x3 − x2 − 16x In mathematics, the doubling oriented Doche–Icart–Kohel curve is a form in which an elliptic curve can be written. It is a special case of Weierstrass form and it is also… … Wikipedia
Line of battle — In naval warfare, the line of battle [If the fleet is in front of the flagship it is a line ahead , if behind a line astern .] is a tactic in which the ships of the fleet form a line, end to end. Its origins are traditionally ascribed to the navy … Wikipedia
Line doubler — A line doubler is a device used to deinterlace video signals prior to display. The main function of a line doubler is to take an interlaced video source which consists of a two field frame and create a progressive scan (single non interlaced… … Wikipedia
Turton doubling — Chess diagram|= tright Henry Turton (version) Illustrated London News , 1856 = 8 | | |rd| | | | | |= 7 | | | | | | | |pd|= 6 | |pl| | | | | | |= 5 | |pd|pd| | | | | |= 4 | | |pd| | | | | |= 3 | | |bl| | | |ql|kl|= 2 | |pd| |nl| | | | |= 1 |kd| |… … Wikipedia
Zepler doubling — Chess diagram|= tright Erich Zepler Hamburgischer Correspondent , 1929 = 8 |kd| | | | |bd| | |= 7 |pd| | | | | | | |= 6 |pd| | |pl| | | | |= 5 |pl| | | | | | | |= 4 | | |pd| | | | | |= 3 | | |pl| | | | | |= 2 |pl| | | | | |rl| |= 1 |kl|rl| | | |… … Wikipedia
Syntactic doubling — is an external sandhi phenomenon in Italian and some other Italo Western languages. It consists in the lengthening (gemination) of the initial consonant after words of certain categories. The phenomenon is variously referred to in the English… … Wikipedia
Steyning Line — The Steyning Line (also known as the Adur Valley Line) was a railway line that connected the West Sussex market town of Horsham with the once bustling south coast port of Shoreham by Sea, with the possibility of an onward connection to Brighton.… … Wikipedia
Philo line — In geometry, the Philo line is a line segment defined from an angle and a point. The Philo line for a point P that lies inside an angle with edges d and e is the shortest line segment that passes through P and has its endpoints on d and e . Also… … Wikipedia