- disintegration product
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Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
disintegration product — disintegration product, Physics, Chemistry. 1. a substance formed by the disintegration of another substance. 2. a substance produced by the breaking down of a radioactive substance … Useful english dictionary
disintegration product — skilimo produktas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. decay product; disintegration product vok. Zerfallsprodukt, n rus. продукт распада, m pranc. produit de désintégration, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Disintegration theorem — In mathematics, the disintegration theorem is a result in measure theory and probability theory. It rigorously defines the idea of a non trivial restriction of a measure to a measure zero subset of the measure space in question. It is related to… … Wikipedia
Product measure — In mathematics, given two measurable spaces and measures on them, one can obtain the product measurable space and the product measure on that space. Conceptually, this is similar to defining the Cartesian product of sets and the product topology… … Wikipedia
decay product — skilimo produktas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. decay product; disintegration product vok. Zerfallsprodukt, n rus. продукт распада, m pranc. produit de désintégration, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Vertical disintegration — refers to a specific organizational form of industrial production. As opposed to integration, in which production occurs within a singular organization, vertical disintegration means that various diseconomies of scale or scope have broken a… … Wikipedia
decay product — a nuclide, which may be stable or radioactive, resulting from the radioactive disintegration of a radionuclide, being formed either directly or as the result of successive transformations in a radioactive series. Called also daughter … Medical dictionary
breakdown product — /ˈbreɪkdaʊn ˌprɒdʌkt/ (say braykdown .produkt) noun that which is produced by the disintegration or decomposition of a substance …
radium — /ray dee euhm/, n. 1. Chem. a highly radioactive metallic element whose decay yields radon gas and alpha rays. Symbol: Ra; at. wt.: 226; at. no.: 88. 2. a lustrous rayon or silk fabric constructed in plain weave and used in women s apparel,… … Universalium
daughter — In nuclear medicine, an isotope that is the disintegration product of a radionuclide. See d. isotope, radionuclide generator. [O.E. dohtor] DES (diethylstilbestrol) d. the d. of a woman who received diethylstilbestrol during … Medical dictionary
emanation — 1. Any substance that flows out or is emitted from a source or origin. 2. The radiation from a radioactive element. [L. e mano, pp. atus, to flow out] actinium e. radon 219. See emanon. radium e. radon 222. See emanon … Medical dictionary