discontinuous jump

discontinuous jump

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "discontinuous jump" в других словарях:

  • Discontinuous Galerkin method — Discontinuous Galerkin methods (DG methods) in mathematics form a class of numerical methods for solving partial differential equations. They combine features of the finite element and the finite volume framework and have been successfully… …   Wikipedia

  • Discontinuous editing — describes the deliberate or accidental violation of rules of continuity when editing films. As a deliberate technique, it may be used to connote authenticity or to create alienation. The viewer s expectation of continuity can be violated by such… …   Wikipedia

  • Hydraulic jump — A hydraulic jump is a phenomenon in the science of hydraulics which is frequently observed in open channel flow such as rivers and spillways. When liquid at high velocity discharges into a zone of lower velocity, a rather abrupt rise (a step or… …   Wikipedia

  • Superconductivity — is a phenomenon occurring in certain materials generally at very low temperatures, characterized by exactly zero electrical resistance and the exclusion of the interior magnetic field (the Meissner effect).The electrical resistivity of a metallic …   Wikipedia

  • Fermi liquid — is a generic term for a quantum mechanical liquid of fermions that arises under certain physical conditions when the temperature is sufficiently low. The interaction between the particles of the many body system does not need to be small (see e.g …   Wikipedia

  • Gas dynamic cold spray — is a coating deposition method developed in the mid 1980s in the Soviet Union in The Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics by Papyrin and his team. The solid powders (1 to 50 micrometers in diameter) are accelerated in supersonic gas… …   Wikipedia

  • Software product lines — Software product lines, or software product line development, refers to software engineering methods, tools and techniques for creating a collection of similar software systems from a shared set of software assets using a common means of… …   Wikipedia

  • Classification of discontinuities — Jump point redirects here. For the science fiction concept, see jump drive. Continuous functions are of utmost importance in mathematics and applications. However, not all functions are continuous. If a function is not continuous at a point in… …   Wikipedia

  • Gibbs phenomenon — In mathematics, the Gibbs phenomenon (also known as ringing artifacts), named after the American physicist J. Willard Gibbs, is the peculiar manner in which the Fourier series of a piecewise continuously differentiable periodic function f behaves …   Wikipedia

  • United States — a republic in the N Western Hemisphere comprising 48 conterminous states, the District of Columbia, and Alaska in North America, and Hawaii in the N Pacific. 267,954,767; conterminous United States, 3,022,387 sq. mi. (7,827,982 sq. km); with… …   Universalium

  • Continuity editing — Main article: Film editing Continuity editing is the predominant style of film editing and video editing in the post production process of filmmaking of narrative films and television programs. The purpose of continuity editing is to smooth over… …   Wikipedia

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