discharge launder

discharge launder
разгрузочный желоб

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "discharge launder" в других словарях:

  • Ozone — For other uses, see Ozone (disambiguation). Ozone …   Wikipedia

  • PURITY AND IMPURITY, RITUAL — (Heb. וְטָהֳרָה טֻמְאָה, tumah ve toharah), a symbolic system according to which a pure person or object is qualified for contact with the Temple and related sancta (holy objects and spaces) while an impure person or object is disqualified from… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • void — [adj1] empty abandoned, bare, barren, bereft, clear, deprived, destitute, devoid, drained, emptied, free, lacking, scant, short, shy, tenantless, unfilled, unoccupied, vacant, vacuous, without; concepts 481,583,740,774 Ant. filled, full, occupied …   New thesaurus

  • Loan shark — A loan shark is a person or body that offers illegal unsecured loans at high interest rates to individuals, often backed by blackmail or threats of violence. They provide credit to those who are unwilling or unable to obtain it from more… …   Wikipedia

  • chile — /chil ee/, n. chili. * * * Chile Introduction Chile Background: A three year old Marxist government was overthrown in 1973 by a dictatorial military regime led by Augusto PINOCHET, who ruled until a freely elected president was installed in 1990 …   Universalium

  • Chile — Chilean, adj., n. /chil ee/; Sp. /chee le/, n. a republic in SW South America, on the Pacific Coast. 14,508,168; 286,396 sq. mi. (741,765 sq. km). Cap.: Santiago. * * * Chile Introduction Chile Background: A three year old Marxist government was… …   Universalium

  • Murder of Thomas and Jackie Hawks — Thomas and Jackie Hawks were a couple from Prescott, Arizona, United States, who were murdered in 2004. As of April 2009[update], Skylar James Deleon, Jennifer Henderson, and John Kennedy were convicted of charges relating to their murders.… …   Wikipedia

  • flush — Synonyms and related words: Hygeia, SRO, ablution, abounding, abounding in riches, abundant, ace, adjacent, affluent, afterglow, air glow, align, all sufficing, ample, animate, animation, aplenty, arousal, arouse, at full length, bake, bang,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • absolve — [v] free from responsibility, duty acquit, bleach, blink at, clear, discharge, exculpate, excuse, exempt, exonerate, forgive, free, go easy on, launder*, let off*, let off easy*, let off the hook*, let up on*, liberate, lifeboat*, loose, pardon,… …   New thesaurus

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