- crystal physics
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
crystal physics — kristalų fizika statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Mokslas, tiriantis kristalų fizikines savybes. atitikmenys: angl. crystal physics rus. кристаллофизика … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
crystal physics — kristalų fizika statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. crystal physics vok. Kristallphysik, f rus. физика кристаллов, f pranc. physique des cristaux, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
crystal physics — Смотри Кристаллофизика … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
crystal — crystallike, adj. /kris tl/, n., adj., v., crystaled, crystaling or (esp. Brit.) crystalled, crystalling. n. 1. a clear, transparent mineral or glass resembling ice. 2. the transparent form of crystallized quartz. 3. Chem., Mineral. a solid body… … Universalium
Crystal — /kris tl/, n. 1. a city in SE Minnesota, near Minneapolis. 25,543. 2. a female given name. * * * I Any solid material whose atoms are arranged in a definite pattern and whose surface regularity reflects its internal symmetry. Each of a crystal s… … Universalium
Crystal radio — Crystal set redirects here. For the Australian rock band, see The Crystal Set. A modern reproduction of an antique crystal set. It is tuned to different stations by moving the sliding contact (right) up and down the tuning coil (red). The device… … Wikipedia
Physics — (Greek: physis φύσις), in everyday terms, is the science of matter [R. P. Feynman, R. B. Leighton, M. Sands (1963), The Feynman Lectures on Physics , ISBN 0 201 02116 1 Hard cover. p.1 1 Feynman begins with the atomic hypothesis.] and its motion … Wikipedia
Crystal Space — Developer(s) Jorrit Tyberghein et al. Stable release 1.4.0 / January 25, 2010; 20 months ago ( … Wikipedia
Crystal structure prediction — (CSP) is the calculation of the crystal structures of solids from first principles. Reliable methods of predicting the crystal structure of a compound, based only on its molecular structure, has been a goal of the physical sciences since the… … Wikipedia
Crystal optics — is the branch of optics that describes the behaviour of light in anisotropic media, that is, media (such as crystals) in which light behaves differently depending on which direction the light is propagating. The index of refraction depends on… … Wikipedia
Crystal Growth & Design — Titre abrégé Cryst. Growth Des. Discipline Cristallographie Langue … Wikipédia en Français