- crude
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Crude — can refer to: Petroleum in its unprocessed form ( crude oil ), including: Brent crude oil Heavy crude oil Light crude oil Sweet crude oil Pennsylvania Grade Crude Oil, a type of sweet crude Synthetic crude oil Crude jokes Documentary films: Crude … Wikipedia
crude´ly — crude «krood», adjective, crud|er, crud|est, noun. –adj. 1. in a natural or raw state; unrefined: »Oil, ore, and sugar are crude before being refined and prepared for use. SYNONYM(S) … Useful english dictionary
Crude — (kr[udd]d), a. [Compar. {Cruder} ( [ e]r); superl. {Crudest}.] [L. crudus raw; akin to cruor blood (which flows from a wound). See {Raw}, and cf. {Cruel}.] 1. In its natural state; not cooked or prepared by fire or heat; undressed; not altered,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
crude — [kro͞od] adj. cruder, crudest [ME < L crudus, bleeding, raw, rough < IE base * kreu , congealed (blood) > RAW, Gr kryos, frost & kreas, flesh, L crusta, cruor, MIr cru, blood] 1. in a raw or natural condition, before being prepared for… … English World dictionary
crude — crude; crude·ly; crude·ness; … English syllables
crude — late 14c., in a raw state, from L. crudus rough; not cooked, raw, bloody, from PIE *krue do , from PIE *kreue (1) raw flesh (see RAW (Cf. raw)). Meaning lacking grace is first attested 1640s. Related: Crudely; crudeness. Crude oil is from 1865 … Etymology dictionary
crude — [adj1] vulgar, unpolished in manner awkward, backward, barnyard*, boorish, cheap, cloddish, clumsy, coarse, crass, dirty, earthy, filthy, foul, grody*, gross*, ignorant, ill bred, indecent, indelicate, inelegant, insensible, lewd, loud, loud… … New thesaurus
crude — index blatant (obtrusive), elementary, harsh, imperfect, inelegant, inexact, inferior (lower in quality) … Law dictionary
crude — s. m. Petróleo em bruto … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
crude — *rude, rough, uncouth, raw, callow, green Analogous words: primitive, primeval (see PRIMARY): *immature, unmatured: *coarse, vulgar, gross Antonyms: consummate, finished Contrasted words: cultivated, refined, cultured (see corresponding nouns at… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
crude — ► ADJECTIVE 1) in a natural or raw state; not yet processed or refined. 2) (of an estimate or guess) likely to be only approximately accurate. 3) rudimentary or makeshift. 4) offensively coarse or rude. ► NOUN ▪ natural mineral oil. DERIVATIVES … English terms dictionary