- consumed power
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Power Hour — Infobox Game subject name=Power Hour subtitle = players = Any number playing time = 60 minutes complexity = Easy setup time = Varies random chance = None skills = EndurancePower Hour, with its variant Centurion (or Century Club), is a type of… … Wikipedia
Power factor — For other uses, see Power factor (pistol). The power factor of an AC electric power system is defined as the ratio of the real power flowing to the load over the apparent power in the circuit,[1][2] and is a dimensionless number between 0 and 1… … Wikipedia
Power supply rail — A power supply rail or voltage rail refers to a single voltage provided by a power supply unit (PSU) relative to some understood ground. Although the term is generally used in electrical engineering, most people encounter it in the context of… … Wikipedia
Power supply in Norway — The power supply in Norway is primarily from hydroelectric power plants. Of the total production in 2004 of 110 TWh, 109 TWh was from hydroelectric plants, 900 GWh was from thermal power, and 260 GWh was wind generated. In 2004 the total… … Wikipedia
Power consumption — In electrical engineering, power consumption often refers to the electrical energy over time supplied to operate an electrical appliance, although this is, strictly speaking, energy. The energy consumed by equipment that is less than 100%… … Wikipedia
Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation — The nihongo|Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation (PNC)|動力炉・核燃料開発事業団|Douryokuro Kakunenryo Kaihatsu Jigyoudan or nihongo|動燃|dounen for short, was a Japanese nuclear energy research organization established October 2, 1967 with… … Wikipedia
CPU power dissipation — Central processing unit power dissipation or CPU power dissipation is the process in which central processing units (CPUs) consume electrical energy, and dissipate this energy both by the action of the switching devices contained in the CPU (such … Wikipedia
List of Power Stone characters — Power Stone is a fully 3D arena fighting game series made by Capcom. There are 10 characters in the original Power Stone, and more were introduced in Power Stone 2. In the anime, Sun Land is Londo, Moon Land seems to be Japan (Oedo and Mutsu),… … Wikipedia
No load power — consumption is the electric power consumed by a power charger when it is plugged into a wall socket but without the mobile phone or other handheld device being connected. This wasted power is often incorrectly labeled as standby power, which… … Wikipedia
One Power — In The Wheel of Time fantasy series by Robert Jordan, the One Power is the force that maintains the continuous motion of the Wheel of Time. It comes from the True Source, and it is separated into two halves: saidin /saɪˈd … Wikipedia
Standby power — Standby power, also called vampire power, phantom load, or leaking electricity, refers to the electric power consumed by electronic appliances while they are switched off or in a standby mode. A very common electricity vampire is a power adapter… … Wikipedia