- compression thrust
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Thrust fault — in the Qilian Shan, China. The older (left, blue and red) thrust over the younger (right, brown). A thrust fault is a type of fault, or break in the Earth s crust across which there has been relative movement, in which rocks of lower… … Wikipedia
thrust fault — noun a geological fault in which the upper side appears to have been pushed upward by compression • Syn: ↑overthrust fault, ↑reverse fault • Hypernyms: ↑inclined fault * * * noun : a reverse fault in which the angle between the horizontal and the … Useful english dictionary
Compression (geology) — In geology the term compression refers to a set of stresses directed toward the center of a rock mass. Compressive strength refers to the maximum compressive stress that can be applied to a material before failure occurs. When the maximum… … Wikipedia
thrust fault — /ˈθrʌst fɔlt/ (say thrust fawlt) noun a reversed fault (def. 6), the result of horizontal compression …
thrust fault — noun A type of fault, with movement of the Earths crust, in which a lower stratigraphic layer is pushed up and over a younger one as a result of compression forces … Wiktionary
Maria fold and thrust belt — Ranges, Plains Thrusted Forms Country United States States … Wikipedia
Blind thrust earthquake — A blind thrust earthquake is an earthquake along a thrust fault that does not show signs on the earth s surface, hence the designation blind [http://earthquake.usgs.gov/learning/glossary.php?term=blind%20thrust%20fault] . Such faults, being… … Wikipedia
Mount Diablo Thrust Fault — The Mount Diablo Thrust Fault, also known as the Mount Diablo Blind Thrust, is a thrust fault in the vicinity of Mount Diablo in Contra Costa County, California. The fault lies between the Calaveras Fault, the Greenville Fault, and the Concord… … Wikipedia
Fold-Thrust Belt — A Fold Thrust Belt is a series of mountainous foothills, adjacent to an orogenic belt, that form due to compression. Fold thrust belts commonly form in the forelands adjacent to major orogens as deformation propagates outwards. Fold thrust belts… … Wikipedia
Maria Fold and Thrust Belt — The Maria Fold and Thrust Belt is a series of mountain ranges in southeastern California and western Arizona that is geologically characterized by geologic structures that trend differently than it the rest of the Cordillera and Basin and Range… … Wikipedia
un|der|thrust — «UHN duhr THRUHST», noun, adjective. –n. Geology. 1. the forcing by compression of one rock mass under another, so as to produce a fault or fold. 2. the condition caused by such a forcing. –adj. of or having to do with an underthrust: »an… … Useful english dictionary