- colluvial deposits
• выносы устий в горных странах• коллювиальные отложения• коллювий• накопления обломочных образований под влиянием силы тяжести
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Takla Makan Desert — Chinese Taklimakan Shamo or T a k o la ma kan Sha mo Desert, forming the greater part of the Tarim River basin, west central China. One of the world s largest sandy wastes, it is about 600 mi (965 km) across, with an area of 105,000 sq mi… … Universalium
1938 USDA soil taxonomy — The 1938 USDA soil taxonomy was a soil classification system adopted by the United States Department of Agriculture, now obsolete. The classification system used previously was developed and published in 1936 by C.F. Marbut, who was chief of the… … Wikipedia
Llewellyn Formation — Infobox Rockunit name = Llewellyn Formation type = Geological formation prilithology = Sandstone otherlithology = Shale, Conglomerate, Coal namedfor = Llewellyn, Pennsylvania namedby = G. Wood, 1964 region = Appalachian Basin of eastern North… … Wikipedia
Durisols — Distribution of Durisols A Durisol in the FAO World Reference Base for Soil Resources is a very shallow to moderately deep, free draining soil of arid and semi arid environments, that contain cemented secondary silica (SiO2) in the upper metre of … Wikipedia
slope alluvium — Sediment gradually transported down mountain or hill slopes primarily by non channel alluvial processes (i.e., slope wash processes) and characterized by particle sorting. Lateral particle sorting is evident on long slopes. In a profile… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
коллювиалъные отложения — Накопление детритовых образований под влиянием силы тяжести, осыпи на склонах, обвалы и т.п. [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN colluvial deposits … Справочник технического переводчика
colluviation — kəˌlüvēˈāshən noun ( s) Etymology: colluvies + ation : a process that produces colluvial deposits … Useful english dictionary
Breccia — (pronEng|ˈbrɛtʃiə, ˈbrɛʃiə, it. breach) is a rock composed of angular fragments of several minerals or rocks in a matrix, that is a cementing material, that may be similar or different in composition to the fragments. A breccia may have a variety … Wikipedia
Clastic rock — A thin section of a clast (sand grain), derived from a basalt score. Vesicles (air bubbles) can be seen throughout the clast. Plane light above, cross polarized light below. Scale box is 0.25 mm Clastic rocks are composed of fragments, or clasts … Wikipedia
Colluvium — is the name for loose bodies of sediment that have been deposited or built up at the bottom of a low grade slope or against a barrier on that slope, transported by gravity. The deposits that collect at the foot of a steep slope or cliff are also… … Wikipedia
Geography of Karnataka — The Indian State of Karnataka is located within 11.5 degree North and 18.5 degree North latitudes and 74 degree East and 78.5 degree east longitude. It is situated on a tableland where the Western and Eastern Ghat ranges converge into the Nilgiri … Wikipedia