"high-temperature" minerals

"high-temperature" minerals
высокотемпературные минералы

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое ""high-temperature" minerals" в других словарях:

  • High pressure — science and engineering is studying the effects of high pressure on materials and the design and construction of devices, such as a diamond anvil cell, which can create high pressure. By high pressure it is meant pressures of thousands (kilobars) …   Wikipedia

  • high-pressure phenomena — ▪ physics Introduction       changes in physical, chemical, and structural characteristics that matter undergoes when subjected to high pressure. pressure thus serves as a versatile tool in materials research, and it is especially important in… …   Universalium

  • Closure temperature — This article is about radiometric dating. For blocking temperature in a ferromagnet, see Superparamagnetism. In radiometric dating, closure temperature or blocking temperature refers to the temperature of a system, such as a mineral, at the time… …   Wikipedia

  • ECHIDNA - High Resolution Powder Diffractometer — ECHIDNA is the name of the new neutron High Resolution Powder Diffractometer at Australia s new research reactor OPAL, ANSTO. The instrument serves to determine the crystalline structures of materials using neutron radiation analogical to X ray… …   Wikipedia

  • Properties of selected silica minerals — ▪ Table Properties of selected silica minerals name colour lustre Mohs hardness specific gravity coesite colourless vitreous near 8 2.9–3.0 cristobalite (low temperature form) white or milky vitreous 6½ 2.2–2.3 lussatite (fibrous low… …   Universalium

  • Common metamorphic minerals as a function of pressure, temperature, and protolith composition — ▪ Table Common metamorphic minerals as a function of pressure, temperature, and protolith composition* protolith high P/low T medium P and T low P/high T shale, mudstone (pelitic) paragonite, muscovite muscovite, paragonite muscovite kyanite… …   Universalium

  • dating — I In geology and archaeology, the process of determining an object s or event s place within a chronological scheme. Scientists may use either relative dating, in which items are sequenced on the basis of stratigraphic clues (see stratigraphy) or …   Universalium

  • Silicon dioxide — Silica redirects here. For other uses, see Silica (disambiguation). Silicon dioxide …   Wikipedia

  • Bowen's reaction series — Within the field of geology, Bowen s reaction series is the work of the petrologist, Norman L. Bowen who was able to explain why certain types of minerals tend to be found together while others are almost never associated with one another. He… …   Wikipedia

  • Ocean thermal energy conversion — Temperature differences between the surface and 1000m depth in the oceans Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) uses the difference between cooler deep and warmer shallow or surface ocean waters to run a heat engine and produce useful work,… …   Wikipedia

  • metamorphic rock — Any of a class of rocks that result from the alteration of preexisting rocks in response to changing geological conditions, including variations in temperature, pressure, and mechanical stress. The preexisting rocks may be igneous, sedimentary,… …   Universalium

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