coccolith ooze

coccolith ooze
кокколитовый ил

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "coccolith ooze" в других словарях:

  • Pelagic sediments — Pelagic sediment or pelagite is a fine grained sediment that has accumulated by the settling of particles through the water column to the ocean floor beneath the open ocean far from land. These particles consist primarily of either the… …   Wikipedia

  • algae — algal, adj. /al jee/,, sing. alga / geuh/. any of numerous groups of chlorophyll containing, mainly aquatic eukaryotic organisms ranging from microscopic single celled forms to multicellular forms 100 ft. (30 m) or more long, distinguished… …   Universalium

  • Holocene Epoch — formerly Recent Epoch Latest interval of the Earth s geologic history, dating from 10,000 years ago to the present. The younger of the two epochs that constitute the Quaternary Period, the Holocene follows the last glacial stage of the… …   Universalium

  • Chalk Formation — The Chalk Formations of Europe are thick deposits of chalk, a soft porous white limestone, deposited in a marine environment during the upper Cretaceous Period. They appear most prominently in England. The formations are divided into three parts …   Wikipedia

  • Chalk Group — The Needles, part of the extensive Southern England Chalk Formation. The Chalk Group (often just called the Chalk) is a lithostratigraphic unit (a certain number of rock strata) in the northwestern part of Europe. It is characterised by thick… …   Wikipedia

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