- cobble boulder
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
cobble — cobble1 /kob euhl/, v.t. cobbled, cobbling. 1. to mend (shoes, boots, etc.); patch. 2. to put together roughly or clumsily. [1490 1500; appar. back formation from COBBLER] cobble2 /kob euhl/, n., v., cobbled, cobbling. n. 1. a cobblestone … Universalium
stone — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. coblestone, pebble; mineral; gem, jewel; gravestone, tombstone, millstone, whetstone, hearthstone, flagstone, etc.; pit, endocarp, pyrene; concretion, calculus. See density, ornament. II (Roget s IV)… … English dictionary for students
Flathead galaxias (New Zealand) — Taxobox name = Flathead galaxias regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Actinopterygii ordo = Osmeriformes familia = Galaxiidae subfamilia = Galaxiinae genus = Galaxias species = G. depressiceps binomial = Galaxias depressiceps binomial… … Wikipedia
Alasmidonta atropurpurea — Cumberland elktoe Conservation status Endangered (IUCN 2.3)[1] … Wikipedia
sedimentary rock — Rock formed at or near the Earth s surface by the accumulation and lithification of fragments of preexisting rocks or by precipitation from solution at normal surface temperatures. Sedimentary rocks can be formed only where sediments are… … Universalium
Indian Lake Chain, Ontario — The Indian Lake Chain is a series of lakes located northwest of Vermilion Bay, Ontario at approximately 49 degrees 55 minutes north and 93 degrees 35 minutes west. [Feist Lake, Kenora District, Ontario 1:50,000 scale topographic map 2nd edition,… … Wikipedia
Sof Omar Caves — At 15.1 km (9.5 miles) long, Sof Omar Cave is the longest cave in Ethiopia; sources claim it is the longest system of caves in Africa [ [http://www.oromiagov.org/Nattraction.asp Natural Attractions Oromia State government website] ] and ranks as… … Wikipedia
Gravel — For other uses, see Gravel (disambiguation). Gravel (largest fragment in this photo is about 4 cm) … Wikipedia
Conglomerate (geology) — For a kind of corporation, see Conglomerate (company). Conglomerate Sedimentary Rock Boulder of conglomerate with cobble sized clasts. Rock hammer for scale … Wikipedia
conglomerate — conglomeratic /keuhn glom euh rat ik, keuhng /, conglomeritic /keuhn glom euh rit ik, keuhng /, adj. n., adj. /keuhn glom euhr it, keuhng /; v. /keuhn glom euh rayt , keuhng /, n., adj., v., conglomerated, conglomerating. n. 1. anything composed… … Universalium
Medicine wheel — For the Medicine Wheel in Big Horn County, Wyoming, USA, see Medicine Wheel National Historic Landmark. The Medicine Wheel in Bighorn National Forest, Wyoming, USA … Wikipedia