- coarse-pored
- крупнопористый
* * *• крупнозернистый• крупнопористый
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
The Dunwich Horror — For the film, see The Dunwich Horror (film). The Dunwich Horror Author H. P. Lovecraft Country United States Language English Genre(s) Horror … Wikipedia
Thomas M'Crie the Elder — For his eldest son, of the same name, see Thomas M Crie the Younger.Thomas M Crie (November, 1772 August 5, 1835) was a Scottish historian, writer, and preacher born in the town of Dunse, Berwickshire in November 1772. He was the eldest of a… … Wikipedia
heteropteran — ▪ insect order Introduction any member of the insect order Heteroptera, which comprises the so called true bugs. (Some authorities use the name Hemiptera; others consider both the heteropterans and the homopterans to be suborders of the… … Universalium
Fiesco (play) — Fiesco (full title Die Verschwörung des Fiesco zu Genua, or Fiesco s Conspiracy at Genoa) is the second full length drama written by the German playwright Friedrich Schiller. It is a republican tragedy based on the historical conspiracy of… … Wikipedia
грубозернистi включення — грубозернистые включения coarse grained inclusion, coarce pored inclusion körnige(gekörnte) Einschlusse домiшки в мінералах розмiрами фракцiй понад 0,5мм … Гірничий енциклопедичний словник