- coal rake
угольный пласт
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
rake — rake1 [ reık ] noun count 1. ) a tool for making soil level and removing leaves from the ground, consisting of a long handle with sharp separated points on one end that the dirt, etc. is caught in 2. ) OLD FASHIONED a man who behaves in an… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
rake someone over the coals — North American way of saying haul someone over the coals (see coal). → rake … English new terms dictionary
coal — [ koul ] noun *** uncount a hard black substance that is dug from the ground and burned as fuel to provide heat: Put some more coal on the fire. coal dust a piece/lump of coal a. uncount used for talking about the industry of digging coal out of… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
coal — [kōl] n. [ME & OE col, charcoal, live coal, akin to Ger kohle, ON kol < IE base * g(e)u lo , live coal > Ir gual] 1. a kind of dark brown to black, combustible, sedimentary rock resulting from the partial decomposition of vegetable matter… … English World dictionary
coal — W2S3 [kəul US koul] n [: Old English; Origin: col] 1.) [U] a hard black mineral which is dug out of the ground and burnt to produce heat ▪ Put some coal on the fire. ▪ the coal mining industry ▪ a lump of coal 2.) [C usually plural] a piece of… … Dictionary of contemporary English
rake someone over the coals — rake (or haul) someone over the coals reprimand someone severely * * * rake (someone) over the coals see ↑coal • • • Main Entry: ↑rake … Useful english dictionary
coal — O.E. col charcoal, live coal, from P.Gmc. *kula(n) (Cf. O.Fris. kole, M.Du. cole, Du. kool, O.H.G. chol, Ger. Kohle, O.N. kol), from PIE root *g(e)u lo live coal (Cf. Ir. gual coal ). Meaning mineral consisting of fo … Etymology dictionary
rake — I UK [reɪk] / US verb Word forms rake : present tense I/you/we/they rake he/she/it rakes present participle raking past tense raked past participle raked 1) [intransitive/transitive] to use a rake to make an area of soil level or to remove leaves … English dictionary
rake — rake1 rakable, rakeable, adj. raker, n. /rayk/, n., v., raked, raking. n. 1. an agricultural implement with teeth or tines for gathering cut grass, hay, or the like or for smoothing the surface of the ground. 2. any of various implements having a … Universalium
Coal breaker — A coal breaking plant, depicted on a postcard in 1907. A coal breaker was a coal processing plant which broke coal into various useful sizes. Coal breakers also removed impurities from the coal (typically slate) and deposited them into a culm… … Wikipedia
coal — coalless, adj. /kohl/, n. 1. a black or dark brown combustible mineral substance consisting of carbonized vegetable matter, used as a fuel. Cf. anthracite, bituminous coal, lignite. 2. a piece of glowing, charred, or burned wood or other… … Universalium