- air brattice
вентиляционный парус
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
brattice — [brat′is] n. [ME bretice, bretasce < OFr bretesche, wooden tower < ML brittisca; prob. < OHG brittissa, lattice, balcony < bret, board] 1. Historical a temporary breastwork or parapet put up during a siege 2. Mining a partition of… … English World dictionary
Brattice — A brattice is a partition used in mining. It is built between columns of a sub surface mine to direct air for ventilation. Depending on the type of mine and how the operation is run, brattices can be permanent (concrete block, tailings, or wood)… … Wikipedia
brattice — /ˈbrætəs/ (say bratuhs) noun 1. a partition or lining, as of planks or cloth to confine the air and force it into the working faces of a mine. –verb (t) (bratticed, bratticing) 2. to provide with a brattice; line with planks or cloth. {Middle… …
brattice — /brat is/, n., v., bratticed, bratticing. n. 1. a partition or lining, as of planks or cloth, forming an air passage in a mine. 2. (in medieval architecture) any temporary wooden fortification, esp. at the top of a wall. [1300 50; ME brutaske,… … Universalium
brattice — brat•tice [[t]ˈbræt ɪs[/t]] n. min a partition or lining forming an air passage in a mine • Etymology: 1300–50; ME brutaske, bretage, bretice < AF bretaske, bretage, AF, OF bretesche wooden parapet on a fortress < ML brittisca … From formal English to slang
Hartley Colliery Disaster — The Hartley Colliery Disaster was a major Mining accident or disaster in Northumberland, England in 1862. Cause In an age when methane or coal dust and firedamp explosions were common, the tragedy at Hartley Colliery, Northumberland, England was… … Wikipedia
cushion — Synonyms and related words: abate, absorb, absorb the shock, acoustic tile, aegis, afford support, air mattress, allay, alleviate, alleviative, alleviator, anesthetize, anodyne, antiknock, appease, arm, arm guard, armor, assuage, assuager, back,… … Moby Thesaurus
mat — Synonyms and related words: achromatic, achromic, agora, air mattress, amphitheater, anemic, arena, ashen, ashy, athletic field, auditorium, background, barrier, bear garden, bedding, bled white, blind, bloodless, bolster, bowl, boxing ring,… … Moby Thesaurus
pad — Synonyms and related words: Domesday Book, abate, abiding place, abode, account book, address, address book, adversaria, aegis, air mattress, album, allay, alleviate, ambler, ambulate, anesthetize, ankle, annual, appease, appointment calendar,… … Moby Thesaurus