- CMP data
• данные метода общей глубинной точки• данные метода ОГТ• данные МОГТ• данные сейсморазведки МОГТ• материалы МОГТ• материалы сейсморазведки МОГТ
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Data Access Object — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda En software de computadores, un Data Access Object (DAO, Objeto de Acceso a Datos) es un componente de software que suministra una interfaz común entre la aplicación y uno o más dispositivos de almacenamiento de… … Wikipedia Español
Data Access Object — This article is about the Data Access Object design pattern in object oriented software design, not about the Data Access Objects library from Microsoft. In computer software, a Data Access Object (DAO) is an object that provides an abstract… … Wikipedia
CMP — Compare (Computing » Assembly) *** Chemical Mechanical Polishing (Academic & Science » Electronics) * Chemical Mechanical Planarization (Academic & Science » Chemistry) * Container Managed Persistence (Medical » Hospitals) * Central Maine Power… … Abbreviations dictionary
data bank — da′ta bank or da′ta•bank n. cmp database • Etymology: 1965–70 … From formal English to slang
data highway — da′ta high way n. cmp information superhighway … From formal English to slang
data processing — da′ta proc essing n. cmp the automated processing of information, esp. by computers • Etymology: 1950–55 da′ta proc essor, n … From formal English to slang
hypertext — hy•per•text [[t]ˈhaɪ pərˌtɛkst[/t]] n. cmp cmp data, as text, graphics, or sound, stored in a computer so that a user can move nonsequentially through a link from one object or document to another • Etymology: 1960–65 … From formal English to slang
Amplitude versus offset — In geophysics, amplitude versus offset (AVO) or amplitude variation with offset is a variation in seismic reflection amplitude with change in distance between shotpoint and receiver. It is also referred as AVA (amplitude variation with angle). As … Wikipedia
DP — or D.P. 1) cmp data processing 2) displaced person … From formal English to slang
Processing (Seismik) — CMP Anordnung und Laufzeitunterschiede (Normal Move Out) Das Processing ist die Aufbereitung seismischer Daten bei reflexionsseismischen Untersuchungen. Sie wird durchgeführt, um aus den Rohdaten eines seismischen Experiments ein sinnvolles… … Deutsch Wikipedia
DBMS — cmp database management system: a set of software programs for controlling the storage, retrieval, and modification of organized data in a computerized database … From formal English to slang