closed structure

closed structure
тонколистовая структура

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "closed structure" в других словарях:

  • Closed-cell PVC foamboard — is a light weight rigid material used primarily in the manufacture of signs and displays, although its material properties have made it extremely popular among model makers, prop, composite experimental aircraft and yacht builders. Like PVC,… …   Wikipedia

  • Closed form — may refer to: Maths Closed form expression, a finitary expression Closed differential form, a differential form α with the property that dα = 0 Poetry In poetry analysis, a type of poetry that exhibits regular structure, such as meter or a… …   Wikipedia

  • Structure (mathematical logic) — In universal algebra and in model theory, a structure consists of a set along with a collection of finitary operations and relations which are defined on it. Universal algebra studies structures that generalize the algebraic structures such as… …   Wikipedia

  • Structure-Organization-Process — In The Tree of Knowledge (1997:47), Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela set out a way of describing the nature of living things: “… [An] organization denotes those relations that must exist among components of a system for it to be a member of …   Wikipedia

  • Closed monoidal category — In mathematics, especially in category theory, a closed monoidal category is a context where we can take tensor products of objects and also form mapping objects . A classic example is the category of sets, Set, where the tensor product of sets A …   Wikipedia

  • Closed captioning — Jack Foley created the CC in a TV symbol while senior graphic designer at WGBH. Closed captioning is the process of displaying text on a television, video screen or other visual display to provide additional or interpretive information to… …   Wikipedia

  • Closed-end fund — A closed end fund (or closed ended fund) is a collective investment scheme with a limited number of shares. It is called a closed end fund (CEF) because new shares are rarely issued once the fund has launched, and because shares are not normally… …   Wikipedia

  • Closed wing — A closed wing is a non planar wing planform concept. The term closed wing encompasses a number of designs, including the annular wing (commonly known as the cylindrical or ring wing), the joined wing, and the box wing. A closed wing can be… …   Wikipedia

  • Closed timelike curve — In mathematical physics, a closed timelike curve (CTC) is a worldline in a Lorentzian manifold, of a material particle in spacetime that is closed, returning to its starting point. This possibility was first raised by Kurt Gödel in 1949, who… …   Wikipedia

  • Structure relocation — Hydraulically powered dollies move an historic 19th century church in Salem, Massachusetts. A structure relocation is the process of moving a structure from one location to another. There are two main ways for a structure to be moved:… …   Wikipedia

  • Closed Corporation — A business that is set up using a corporate business structure, but in which all the shares are held by a select few individuals who are usually closely associated with the business. Participating in a closed corporation enables a partnership to… …   Investment dictionary

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