- close-mesh grid
сетка с мелкими отверстиями
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Particle Mesh — (PM) is a computational method for determining the gravity forces in a system of particles. These particles could refer to atoms, stars, or fluid components and so the method is applicable to many fields, including molecular dynamics and… … Wikipedia
radio — /ray dee oh /, n., pl. radios, adj., v., radioed, radioing. n. 1. wireless telegraphy or telephony: speeches broadcast by radio. 2. an apparatus for receiving or transmitting radio broadcasts. 3. a message transmitted by radio. adj. 4. pertaining … Universalium
Langstroth hive — The Langstroth bee hive is the standard beehive used in many parts of the world for bee keeping. The advantage of the Langstroth hive over hives previous to its invention on October 30, 1851, is that the bees build honeycomb into frames, which… … Wikipedia
TwixT — is a two player abstract strategy game invented by Alex Randolph. It is a member of the connection game family, along with games such as Hex, Havannah, Y, PÜNCT and *Star.3M originally published TwixT as part of its Bookshelf Games line; Avalon… … Wikipedia
printing — /prin ting/, n. 1. the art, process, or business of producing books, newspapers, etc., by impression from movable types, plates, etc. 2. the act of a person or thing that prints. 3. words, symbols, etc., in printed form. 4. printed material. 5.… … Universalium
Electric power transmission — Electric transmission redirects here. For vehicle transmissions, see diesel electric transmission. 400 kV high tension transmission lines near Madrid Electric power transmission or high voltage electric transmission is the bulk transfer of… … Wikipedia
Computational fluid dynamics — Computational physics Numerical analysis … Wikipedia
Architecture and Civil Engineering — ▪ 2009 Introduction Architecture For Notable Civil Engineering Projects in work or completed in 2008, see Table (Notable Civil Engineering Projects (in work or completed, 2008)). Beijing was the centre of the world of architecture… … Universalium
Video camera tube — In older video cameras, before the mid to late 1980s, a video camera tube or pickup tube was used instead of a charge coupled device (CCD) for converting an optical image into an electrical signal. Several types were in use from the 1930s to the… … Wikipedia
Smoothed particle hydrodynamics — (SPH) is a computational method used for simulating fluid flows. It has been used in many fields of research, including astrophysics, ballistics, vulcanology and oceanology. It is a mesh free Lagrangian method (where the co ordinates move with… … Wikipedia
P3M — For the aircraft, see Martin P3M Particle Particle Particle Mesh (P3M) is a Fourier based Ewald summation method[1][2] to calculate potentials in N body simulations.[3][4][5] The potential could be the electrostatic potential among N point… … Wikipedia