- aggregation
- 1. агрегат 2. скопление, накопление 3. слипание
* * *• накопление• соединение атомов
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Aggregation — (von lat. aggregatio, Anhäufung, Vereinigung) bezeichnet im Allgemeinen das Zusammenfassen von Gegenständen oder Daten zu größeren Einheiten. Spezielle Einzelbedeutungen sind: eine besondere Art der Assoziation zwischen Objekten, siehe… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Aggregation — may refer to: * Link aggregation, using multiple Ethernet network cables/ports in parallel to increase link speed * Particle aggregation, direct mutual attraction between particles (atoms or molecules) via van der Waals forces or chemical bonding … Wikipedia
aggregation — Aggregation. s. f. v. Acte par lequel on est aggregé à un corps. Lettre d aggregation. on s est opposé à son aggregation. Aggregation, Se dit aussi en Physique. Corps par aggregation … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
Aggregation — Ag gre*ga tion, n. [Cf. LL. aggregatio, F. agr[ e]gation.] The act of aggregating, or the state of being aggregated; collection into a mass or sum; a collection of particulars; an aggregate. [1913 Webster] Each genus is made up by aggregation of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
aggregation — ag·gre·ga·tion /ˌa grə gā shən/ n 1: the collecting of individual units (as damages) into a whole 2: a collection of separate parts that is unpatentable because no integrated mechanism or new and useful result is produced compare combination … Law dictionary
Aggregation — (lat.), Anhäufung, Haufwerk … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Aggregation — Aggregation, Scheingesellschaft, durch äußere Bedingungen entstandene Ansammlung von Tieren (z.B. überwinternde Fledermäuse in einer Höhle), die im Gegensatz zu den echten ⇒ Tiergesellschaften nicht auf gegenseitiger sozialer Attraktion ihrer… … Deutsch wörterbuch der biologie
aggregation — (n.) early 15c., from M.Fr. agrégation or directly from M.L. aggregationem (nom. aggregatio), noun of action from pp. stem of L. aggregare (see AGGREGATE (Cf. aggregate) (adj.)) … Etymology dictionary
aggregation — *aggregate, conglomerate, conglomeration, agglomerate, agglomeration Ana, Antonyms: see those at AGGREGATE 2 … New Dictionary of Synonyms
aggregation — [ag΄rə gā′shən] n. 1. an aggregating or being aggregated 2. a group or mass of distinct things or individuals … English World dictionary
Aggregation — Process in corporate financial planning whereby the smaller investment proposals of each of the firm s operational units are added up and in effect treated as a big picture. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * aggregation ag‧gre‧ga‧tion… … Financial and business terms