- cinder coal
уголь, измененный интрузией изверженной породы
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Cinder — Cin der (s[i^]n d[ e]r), n. [AS. sinder slag, dross; akin to Icel. sindr dross, Sw. sinder, G. sinter, D. sintel; perh. influenced by F. cendre ashes, fr. L. cinis. Cf. {Sinter}.] 1. Partly burned or vitrified coal, or other combustible, in which … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cinder frame — Cinder Cin der (s[i^]n d[ e]r), n. [AS. sinder slag, dross; akin to Icel. sindr dross, Sw. sinder, G. sinter, D. sintel; perh. influenced by F. cendre ashes, fr. L. cinis. Cf. {Sinter}.] 1. Partly burned or vitrified coal, or other combustible,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cinder notch — Cinder Cin der (s[i^]n d[ e]r), n. [AS. sinder slag, dross; akin to Icel. sindr dross, Sw. sinder, G. sinter, D. sintel; perh. influenced by F. cendre ashes, fr. L. cinis. Cf. {Sinter}.] 1. Partly burned or vitrified coal, or other combustible,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cinder — [sin′dər] n. [ME & OE sinder, dross of iron, slag < IE base * sendhro , coagulating fluid > Ger sinter, dross of iron, stalactite, sintern, to trickle, coagulate, Czech śadra, gypsum] 1. slag, as from the reduction of metallic ores 2. a… … English World dictionary
cinder — [n] hot ash clinker, ember, hot coal, soot; concept 260 … New thesaurus
cinder — ► NOUN ▪ a piece of burnt coal or wood that has stopped giving off flames but still has combustible matter in it. DERIVATIVES cindery adjective. ORIGIN Old English … English terms dictionary
cinder block — noun a light concrete building block made with cinder aggregate cinder blocks are called breeze blocks in Britain • Syn: ↑clinker block, ↑breeze block • Hypernyms: ↑building block * * * noun, pl ⋯ blocks [count] US : a block that is made of… … Useful english dictionary
coal — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. ember, cinder; charcoal, briquette (see fuel). See heat. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [Mineral fuel] Syn. mineral coal, coke, fossil fuel; see fuel . Types of coal include: hard coal, soft coal, charcoal,… … English dictionary for students
cinder block — [[t]sɪ̱ndə(r) blɒk[/t]] cinder blocks also cinderblock N COUNT: oft N n A cinder block is a large grey brick made from coal cinders and cement which is used for building. [AM] (in BRIT, use breeze block) … English dictionary
cinder — noun (countable usually plural) a very small piece of burnt wood, coal etc: a cold hearth full of cinders | burnt to a cinder (=completely burnt): The cake was burnt to a cinder … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
coal — Synonyms and related words: alcohol, anthracite, ash, ashes, benzine, blaze, blister, brand, briquette, brown coal, bunker, burn, burn in, burn off, burnable, burning ember, butane, calx, carbon, cast, cater, cauterize, char, charcoal, cinder,… … Moby Thesaurus