- chum
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
chum — chum … Dictionnaire des rimes
CHUM-FM — City of license Toronto, Ontario Branding 104.5 CHUM FM Slogan Today s Best Music … Wikipedia
Chum — may refer to: Chum salmon, a kind of salmon (Oncorhynchus keta), native to the northern Pacific and adjacent waterways Chum is a slang term for a (usually male) friend. Chum (tent), a nomadic tent, of the Yamal Nenets reindeer herders in Western… … Wikipedia
CHUM-FM — (104.5 CHUM FM) Allgemeine Informationen Empfang analog terrestrisch, Kabel, Satellit Webradio Sendegebiet Toron … Deutsch Wikipedia
chum — ● chum nom masculin (mot anglais) Nom commercial du saumon du Pacifique. ● chum nom (anglais chum, ami intime) Au Canada, ami, copain, copine : Sortir avec ses chums. ● chum nom masculin Familier. Au Canada, petit ami, amoureux ou conjoint. chum… … Encyclopédie Universelle
chum — chum1 [chum] n. [late 17th c. slang; prob. altered sp. of cham, clipped form of chamber (fellow), chamber (mate)] Informal 1. Archaic a roommate 2. a close friend vi. chummed, chumming Informal 1. Archaic to share the same room … English World dictionary
Chum — bezeichnet: den (veralteten) deutschen Namen der italienischen Stadt Como einen kanadischen Hörfunksender, siehe CHUM FM Chum salmon (engl.), eine Lachsart, siehe Ketalachs ein Krankenhausnetzwerk in Montreal, siehe Centre hospitalier de… … Deutsch Wikipedia
CHUM — can refer to a number of different Canadian entities:* For the Toronto AM station, see CHUM (AM) * For the Toronto FM station, see CHUM FM * For the Canadian broadcasting group which formerly owned the above stations (now owned by CTVglobemedia) … Wikipedia
chum´mi|ly — chum|my «CHUHM ee», adjective, mi|er, mi|est. Informal. like a chum; very friendly; intimate; sociable: »Stroessner himself was chummy enough with Perón to put his picture and Perón s together on Paraguayan postage stamps (Time). He was accused… … Useful english dictionary
chum|my — «CHUHM ee», adjective, mi|er, mi|est. Informal. like a chum; very friendly; intimate; sociable: »Stroessner himself was chummy enough with Perón to put his picture and Perón s together on Paraguayan postage stamps (Time). He was accused of… … Useful english dictionary
Chum — (ch[u^]m), n. [Perh. a contraction fr. comrade or chamber fellow: cf. also AS. cuma a comer, guest.] A roommate, especially in a college or university; an old and intimate friend. [1913 Webster] {New chum}, a recent immigrant. [Australia]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English