- Chuar group
свита Чуар
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Geologie des Grand Canyon — Der Grand Canyon gewährt einen Einblick in die erdgeschichtliche Entwicklung Die Geologie des Grand Canyon ermöglicht es, eine der vollständigsten Gesteinsfolgen unseres Planeten in Augenschein zu nehmen. Im Grand Canyon werden fast zwei… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Geology of the Grand Canyon area — The geology of the Grand Canyon area exposes one of the most complete sequences of rock anywhere, representing a period of nearly 2 billion years of the Earth s history in that part of North America. The major sedimentary rock layers exposed in… … Wikipedia
Testate amoebae — (Protozoa: Rhizopods) are single celled protists partially enclosed in a simple test (shell). [ http://www.microscopy uk.org.uk/mag/artjun03/gsamoebae.html Testate amoebae, peat bogs and past climates. accessed 16 march 2007] Other names for the… … Wikipedia
Horodyskia — ? † Horodyskia … Википедия
Unikonta — Für die systematische Einteilung der Lebewesen existieren neben und nacheinander verschiedene Vorschläge. Das hier behandelte Taxon entspricht nicht der gegenwärtig in der deutschsprachigen Wikipedia verwendeten Systematik oder ist veraltet … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cryogenian — Period 850–630 million years ago … Wikipedia
Arcellinida — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda ? Arcellinida Arcella Clasificación científica … Wikipedia Español
Melanocyrillium hexodiadema — es una ameba fósil que vivió hace 750 millones de años. Se conserva como microfósil en forma de vaso en todo el mundo y muestran que los amebozoos han existido desde el Neoproterozoico. Los fósiles tienen forma semiesférica, con abertura… … Wikipedia Español
History of Bankura district — (Bengali: বাঁকুড়া জেলার ইতিহাস) refers to the history of the present Bankura district in the Indian state of West Bengal. Contents 1 Pre historic times 2 Assimilation with Proto Indo Europeans … Wikipedia
Grand Canyon — This article is about the canyon in the southwestern United States. For other Grand Canyons, see Grand Canyon (disambiguation). Grand Canyon … Wikipedia
Adivasi — Ādivāsīs (in Devanagari script: आदिवासी), literally original inhabitants , comprise a substantial indigenous minority of the population of India. Indian tribals are also called Atavika (forest dwellers, in Sanskrit texts), Vanvasis or Girijans… … Wikipedia