- chrysoberyl
- хризоберилл, BeAl2O4
* * *• хризоберил• хризоберилл
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Chrysoberyl — General Category Oxide minerals Spinel group Chemical formula Be … Wikipedia
Chrysobéryl — Chrysobéryl[1] Catégorie IV : oxydes et hydroxydes[2] … Wikipédia en Français
Chrysoberyl — Chrysobéryl Chrysobéryl Catégorie III : oxydes et hydroxydes Chrysobéryl Général … Wikipédia en Français
chrysobéryl — [ krizoberil ] n. m. • 1834; de chryso et béryl ♦ Pierre précieuse constituée par de l aluminate naturel de béryllium. ⇒ œil de chat. ● chrysobéryl nom masculin Aluminate naturel de béryllium, de formule BeAl2O4. ● chrysobéryl (synonymes) nom… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Chrysoberyl — Chrys o*ber yl, n. [L. chrysoberyllus, Gr. ?; chryso s gold + ? beryl.] (Min.) A mineral, found in crystals, of a yellow to green or brown color, and consisting of aluminia and glucina. It is very hard, and is often used as a gem. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
chrysoberyl — [kris′ō ber΄il, kris′ə ber΄il] n. [ CHRYSO + BERYL] a very hard, yellowish or greenish mineral, BeAl2O4, used as a gem; beryllium aluminum oxide … English World dictionary
chrysoberyl — /kris euh ber euhl/, n. a mineral, beryllium aluminate, BeAl2O4, occurring in green or yellow crystals, sometimes used as a gem. Also called cymophane. [1350 1400; ME < L chrysoberyllus < Gk chrysobéryllos, equiv. to chryso CHRYSO + béryllos… … Universalium
chrysoberyl — chrizoberilas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Mineralas. formulė Al₂BeO₄ atitikmenys: angl. chrysoberyl rus. хризоберилл … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
chrysoberyl — noun Etymology: Latin chrysoberyllus, from Greek chrysobēryllos, from chrys + bēryllos beryl Date: 1661 1. obsolete a yellowish beryl 2. a hard usually yellow or green mineral consisting of beryllium aluminum oxide and sometimes used as … New Collegiate Dictionary
chrysoberyl — noun A vitreous mineral, often pale green, a mixed oxide of aluminium and beryllium with the chemical formula BeAlO, used as a gemstone … Wiktionary
chrysoberyl — [ˌkrɪsə(ʊ) bɛrɪl] noun a greenish or yellowish green mineral consisting of an oxide of beryllium and aluminium. Origin C17: from L. chrysoberyllus, from Gk khrusos gold + bērullos beryl … English new terms dictionary