- chondrophore
- Biv. хондрофор, резилифер
chondrule хондра (сферолитоподобное округлое образование каменных метеоритов)
* * *• резилифер• хондрофор
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Chondrophore — Chondrophores Blue Button, Porpita porpita Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia … Wikipedia
chondrophore — n. [Gr. chondros, cartilage; pherein, to bear] 1. (CNIDARIA: Hydrozoa) A disc like colony of floating hydroids of the order Chondrophora; a chrondrophoran. 2. (MOLLUSCA: Bivalvia) A pit or large spoon shaped form projecting from the hinge plate;… … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
chondrophore — chon·dro·phore … English syllables
chondrophore — ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ at chondro +ˌfō(ə)r noun ( s) Etymology: chondr + phore : a cavity or process that supports the internal hinge cartilage of the shell of a bivalve mollusk … Useful english dictionary
Hydrozoa — Taxobox name = Hydrozoa image width = 240px image caption = Closeup of a hydrozoan colony regnum = Animalia subregnum = Eumetazoa phylum = Cnidaria subphylum = Medusozoa classis = Hydrozoa classis authority = Owen, 1843 subdivision ranks =… … Wikipedia
Hiemalora — taxobox fossil range = Ediacaran: 550 to 543 Ma regnum = incertae sedis genus = PAGENAME genus authority = Fedonkin 1982 type species = Pinegia stellaris :Fedonkin 1980 subdivision ranks = Species subdivision = * H. stellaris Fedonkin 1982 * H.… … Wikipedia
Colonie (Biologie) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Colonie. Colonie de Fous de Bassan sur les falaises de l île Bonaventure … Wikipédia en Français
Colonie (biologie) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Colonie. Colonie de Fous de Bassan sur les falaises de l île Bonaventure … Wikipédia en Français
Colonie (zoologie) — Colonie (biologie) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Colonie. Colonie de Fous de Bassan sur les falaises de l île Bonaventure … Wikipédia en Français
clavicle — n. [L. dim. clavis, key] (MOLLUSCA: Bivalvia) A buttress for support of the chondrophore … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
fulcrum — n.; pl. fulcrums [L. fulcrum, support] 1. Any structure that props or supports another. 2. (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) a. In Heteroptera, the trochantin. b. In lower hemimetabolous insects, a sclerotized fulcrum formed by two ligual sclerites joined… … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology