- chlorophane
- хлорофан (разновидность флюорита)
* * *хлорофан
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Chlorophane — Chlo ro*phane, n. [Gr. chlwro s light green + ? to show: cf. F. chlorophane.] 1. (Min.) A variety of fluor spar, which, when heated, gives a beautiful emerald green light. [1913 Webster] 2. (Physiol.) The yellowish green pigment in the inner… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
chlorophane — ● chlorophane nom masculin Charançon des saules, aux vives couleurs jaunes et vertes … Encyclopédie Universelle
Chlorophane — Fluorine Fluorite CatégorieIV : halogénures Fluorite sur quartz Le Beix France (10x7cm) Général Catégorie … Wikipédia en Français
chlorophane — (klo ro fa n ) 1° Adj. Terme d histoire naturelle. Qui a une teinte jaune. 2° S. m. Nom d un genre de coléoptères d un vert tendre. 3° S. f. La chlorophane, variété de fluorine de Sibérie, de couleur violette, qui, chauffée, devient… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Chlorophane émeraude — Chlorophanes spiza Guit guit émeraude … Wikipédia en Français
chlorophane — chlo·ro·phane (klorґo fān) [chloro + Gr. phainein to show] a greenish yellow pigment obtainable from the retina … Medical dictionary
chlorophane — chlo·ro·phane … English syllables
chlorophane — ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌfān noun ( s) Etymology: French, from chlor + phane : a variety of fluorite that when heated emits a beautiful green light … Useful english dictionary
Nine Pearls — The Nine Pearls, sometimes known as the Nava Moti, are a group of sacred gemstones described in the Vedic text known as the Garuda Purana. The nine are enumerated as the Oyster Pearl, Conch Pearl, Cobra Pearl, Boar Pearl, Elephant Pearl, Bamboo… … Wikipedia
Barringer Hill — is a famous geological and mineralogical site in central Texas. It lies on the former west side of the Colorado river, beneath Lake Buchanan, about convert|22|mi|km northeast of the town of Llano. The hill consists of a pegmatite and geologically … Wikipedia
7789-75-5 — Fluorine Fluorite CatégorieIV : halogénures Fluorite sur quartz Le Beix France (10x7cm) Général Catégorie … Wikipédia en Français