- chasm
- пропасть, пучина; ущелье; каньон; трещина
ice chasm ледяная расселина
sea chasm глубокая узкая волноприбойная расселина в береговой скале
* * *• пучина• трещина• ущелье
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Chasm — – the Rift Entwickler Action Forms Erstveröffent lichung … Deutsch Wikipedia
Chasm — Chasm, n. [L. chasma, Gr. ?, fr. ? to grape, to open wide. See {Chaos}.] 1. A deep opening made by disruption, as a breach in the earth or a rock; a yawning abyss; a cleft; a fissure. [1913 Webster] That deep, romantic chasm which slanted down… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Chasm — «Chasm» Sencillo de Flyleaf del álbum Memento Mori Formato Promo CD, Descarga digital Género(s) Post grunge, alternative metal y Rock Cristiano Discográfica Octone Records … Wikipedia Español
chasm — [ kæzəm ] noun count 1. ) a very big difference that separates one person or group from another: chasm between: a widening chasm between town and country 2. ) a very deep crack in rock or ice … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Chasm — est un album de musique de Ryuichi Sakamoto, sorti en 2004. Liste des morceaux No Titre Durée … Wikipédia en Français
chasm — chasm; hes·y·chasm; … English syllables
chasm — index hiatus, pitfall, rift (gap), split Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
chasm — (n.) 1590s, deep crack in the earth, from L. chasma, from Gk. khasma yawning hollow, gulf, related to khaskein to yawn, and thus to CHAOS (Cf. chaos). In English in 17c. often spelled chasma … Etymology dictionary
chasm — *gulf, abyss, abysm … New Dictionary of Synonyms
chasm — [n] gap, abyss abysm, alienation, arroyo, blank, breach, cavity, cleavage, cleft, clough, clove, crater, crevasse, fissure, flume, gorge, gulch, gulf, hiatus, hole, hollow, omission, opening, oversight, preterition, ravine, rent, rift, schism,… … New thesaurus
chasm — ► NOUN 1) a deep fissure. 2) a profound difference between people, viewpoints, feelings, etc. ORIGIN Greek khasma gaping hollow … English terms dictionary