- chalky clay
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Clay — (kl[=a]), n. [AS. cl[=ae]g; akin to LG. klei, D. klei, and perh. to AS. cl[=a]m clay, L. glus, gluten glue, Gr. gloio s glutinous substance, E. glue. Cf. {Clog}.] 1. A soft earth, which is plastic, or may be molded with the hands, consisting of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Clay cold — Clay Clay (kl[=a]), n. [AS. cl[=ae]g; akin to LG. klei, D. klei, and perh. to AS. cl[=a]m clay, L. glus, gluten glue, Gr. gloio s glutinous substance, E. glue. Cf. {Clog}.] 1. A soft earth, which is plastic, or may be molded with the hands,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Clay ironstone — Clay Clay (kl[=a]), n. [AS. cl[=ae]g; akin to LG. klei, D. klei, and perh. to AS. cl[=a]m clay, L. glus, gluten glue, Gr. gloio s glutinous substance, E. glue. Cf. {Clog}.] 1. A soft earth, which is plastic, or may be molded with the hands,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Clay marl — Clay Clay (kl[=a]), n. [AS. cl[=ae]g; akin to LG. klei, D. klei, and perh. to AS. cl[=a]m clay, L. glus, gluten glue, Gr. gloio s glutinous substance, E. glue. Cf. {Clog}.] 1. A soft earth, which is plastic, or may be molded with the hands,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Clay mill — Clay Clay (kl[=a]), n. [AS. cl[=ae]g; akin to LG. klei, D. klei, and perh. to AS. cl[=a]m clay, L. glus, gluten glue, Gr. gloio s glutinous substance, E. glue. Cf. {Clog}.] 1. A soft earth, which is plastic, or may be molded with the hands,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Clay pit — Clay Clay (kl[=a]), n. [AS. cl[=ae]g; akin to LG. klei, D. klei, and perh. to AS. cl[=a]m clay, L. glus, gluten glue, Gr. gloio s glutinous substance, E. glue. Cf. {Clog}.] 1. A soft earth, which is plastic, or may be molded with the hands,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Clay slate — Clay Clay (kl[=a]), n. [AS. cl[=ae]g; akin to LG. klei, D. klei, and perh. to AS. cl[=a]m clay, L. glus, gluten glue, Gr. gloio s glutinous substance, E. glue. Cf. {Clog}.] 1. A soft earth, which is plastic, or may be molded with the hands,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
clay-marl — clayˈ marl noun A whitish chalky clay • • • Main Entry: ↑clay … Useful english dictionary
clay marl — 1. A whitish, smooth, chalky clay. 2. A marl in which clay predominates … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
clay marl — noun : a whitish smooth chalky clay : a marl in which clay largely predominates … Useful english dictionary
Chalky Mount potteries — Chalky Mount is a rugged picturesque range of hills in Saint Andrew, Barbados, forming a jagged profile against the horizon when viewed from the east coast commonly called Napoleon s Head. Chalky Mount has considerable clay deposits and is the… … Wikipedia