- Cenozoic era
кайнозойская эра
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Cenozoic Era — Third of the major eras of Earth history, and the interval of time during which the continents assumed their modern configurations and geographic positions. It was also the time when the Earth s flora and fauna evolved toward those of the present … Universalium
Cenozoic era — noun approximately the last 63 million years • Syn: ↑Cenozoic, ↑Age of Mammals • Instance Hypernyms: ↑era, ↑geological era • Part Holonyms: ↑Phanerozoic, ↑Phanerozoic eon, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Cenozoic era — The present geological era, beginning about 65 million years ago. In earlier periods it was sometimes also spelled Caenozoic or Cainozoic … Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors
Cenozoic — [sē΄nə zō′ik, sen΄əzō′ik] adj. [ceno (< Gr kainos: see CENE) + ZOIC] [sometimes c ] designating or of the third geologic era of the Phanerozoic Eon, usually subdivided into the Tertiary and Quaternary periods and characterized by the… … English World dictionary
Cenozoic — The Cenozoic (also Caenozoic or Cainozoic) Era (pronEng|ˌsiːnəˈzoʊɪk/, /ˌsɛn ) (meaning new life (Greek Polytonic|καινός ( kainos ), new , and Polytonic|ζωή ( zoe ), life ), is the most recent of the three classic geological eras and covers the… … Wikipedia
era — /ear euh, er euh/, n. 1. a period of time marked by distinctive character, events, etc.: The use of steam for power marked the beginning of an era. 2. the period of time to which anything belongs or is to be assigned: She was born in the era of… … Universalium
ERA — 1. Also, era Baseball. See earned run average. 2. Emergency Relief Administration. 3. Equal Rights Amendment: proposed 27th amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex. * * * I Very long span of… … Universalium
cenozoic — adj. pertaining to the Cenozoic era (most recent geological era) n. Cainozoic, most recent geological era … English contemporary dictionary
Cenozoic — /see neuh zoh ik, sen euh /, Geol. adj. 1. noting or pertaining to the present era, beginning 65 million years ago and characterized by the ascendancy of mammals. See table under geologic time. n. 2. the Cenozoic Era or group of systems. Also,… … Universalium
Cenozoic — Ce•no•zo•ic [[t]ˌsi nəˈzoʊ ɪk, ˌsɛn ə [/t]] adj. 1) gel noting or pertaining to the present era, beginning 65 million years ago, characterized by the ascendancy of mammals See geologic time 2) gel the Cenozoic Era or group of systems • Etymology … From formal English to slang
Era Cenozoica — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Eón Era M. años Fanerozoico Cenozoico 65,5 ±0,3 Mesozoico 251,0 ±0,4 Paleozoico 542,0 ±1,0 … Wikipedia Español