- cement of hematite
гематитовый цемент
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Iron cement — Iron I ron ([imac] [u^]rn), a. [AS. [=i]ren, [=i]sen. See {Iron}, n.] [1913 Webster] 1. Of, or made of iron; consisting of iron; as, an iron bar, dust. [1913 Webster] 2. Resembling iron in color; as, iron blackness. [1913 Webster] 3. Like iron in … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
гематитовый цемент — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN cement of hematite … Справочник технического переводчика
sedimentary rock — Rock formed at or near the Earth s surface by the accumulation and lithification of fragments of preexisting rocks or by precipitation from solution at normal surface temperatures. Sedimentary rocks can be formed only where sediments are… … Universalium
Archaeology and the Book of Mormon — Part of a series on The Book of Mormon … Wikipedia
Shenandoah Valley Railroad (N&W) — Shenandoah Valley Railroad was a line completed on June 19, 1882 extending up the Shenandoah Valley from Hagerstown, Maryland USA through the West Virginia panhandle into Virginia to reach Roanoke, Virginia and a connection with the Norfolk and… … Wikipedia
Concretion — For other uses, see enterolith and nodule (geology). Septaria redirects here. For the genus of gastropods, see Septaria (gastropod). Concretions on Bowling Ball Beach (Mendocino County, California) weather out of steeply tilted Cenozoic mudstone… … Wikipedia
rock — rock1 rockless, adj. rocklike, adj. /rok/, n. 1. a large mass of stone forming a hill, cliff, promontory, or the like. 2. Geol. a. mineral matter of variable composition, consolidated or unconsolidated, assembled in masses or considerable… … Universalium
Rock — /rok/, n. a male given name. * * * I In geology, a naturally occurring and coherent aggregate of minerals. The three major classes of rock igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic are based on the processes that formed them. These three classes are… … Universalium
dolomite — dolomitic /dol euh mit ik/, adj. /doh leuh muyt , dol euh /, n. 1. a very common mineral, calcium magnesium carbonate, CaMg(CO3)2, occurring in crystals and in masses. 2. a rock consisting essentially or largely of this mineral. [1785 95; < F,… … Universalium
Baigong Pipes — The Baigong Pipes are a series of pipe like features found on and near Mount Baigong (白公山) about 40 km southeast of the city of Delingha (德令哈市), in the Haixi Mongol and Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture (海西蒙古族藏族自治州) , Qinghai Province (青海省),… … Wikipedia
Economy of Manchukuo — This article looks at the economies of Manchukuo and Mengjiang, in the period 1931 1945. The effective Japanese annexation of 1931 led to a colonial system (see Manchukuo (administration)). Japan invested in heavy industry, and to a lesser extent … Wikipedia