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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
CBL — is a three letter acronym that could mean:CBC Radio* CBL FM, a CBC Radio Two radio station in Toronto, Ontario. * CBC Radio One in Toronto had the call sign CBL for much of the period when it was on the AM band (1937 1999). Its FM call sign is… … Wikipedia
CBL — steht als Abkürzung für: Calculator Based Laboratory System ein Gerät von Texas Instruments um Messwerte in einem grafikfähigen Taschenrechner zu erfassen Cannabicyclol, ein Inhaltsstoff der Hanfpflanze Cross Border Leasing, ein Leasing über… … Deutsch Wikipedia
.cbl — cbl, Dateierweiterung für eine Quellcode Datei der Programmiersprache Cobol … Universal-Lexikon
CBL-FM — Infobox Radio Station name = CBL FM airdate = 1946 frequency = 94.1 MHz (FM) area = Toronto, Ontario city = Toronto, Ontario format = public broadcasting owner = Canadian Broadcasting Corporation branding = CBC Radio Two power = 38,000 website =… … Wikipedia
CBL — Ciudad Bolívar Cathédrale de Ciudad Bolívar Ciudad Bolívar est la capitale de l État de Bolívar au Venezuela. Elle a été fondée en 1595 sous le nom de Santo Tomé de la Guayana de la Angostura del Orinoco. Elle est traversée par le fleuve Orénoque … Wikipédia en Français
cbl — Oncogene of a murine retrovirus that induces lymphomas and leukaemias. Protein has N terminal transforming region with phosphotyrosine binding (PTB) domain and C terminal region with RING finger motif, large proline rich region and a leucine… … Dictionary of molecular biology
Cbl gene — Cbl (named after Casitas B lineage Lymphoma) is a mammalian gene encoding several proteins involved in cell signalling and protein ubiquitination. Mutations to this gene have been implication in a number of human cancers, particularly acute… … Wikipedia
CBL & Associates Properties — CBL Associates Properties, Inc., nyse|CBL, is a Chattanooga, Tennessee real estate investment trust (REIT).CBL Associates Properties, Inc. is a real estate investment trust (REIT) listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol, “CBL”. CBL … Wikipedia
CBL Index — The CBL Index is a ratio between the number of IP addresses in a given IP subnet (Subnetwork) to the number of CBL (Composite Blocking List) listings in the subnet. It maybe used to measure how clean (of compromised computers) a given subnet… … Wikipedia
Cbl — Abbreviation for cobalamin. * * * circulating blood lymphocytes; chronic blood loss; cord blood leukocytes * * * cobalamin. A variety of defects in the intracellular utilization of cobalamin (vitamin B12) and the synthesis of its coenzyme forms… … Medical dictionary
CBL — C B L & Associates Properties, Inc. (Business » NYSE Symbols) * Computer Based Learning (Community » Educational) * Convective Boundary Layer (Academic & Science » Ocean Science) * Computer Based Laboratory (Academic & Science » Universities) *… … Abbreviations dictionary