- cat face
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
cat|face — «KAT FAYS», noun. a partly healed scar left especially by fire on the stem of a tree, or on lumber from it … Useful english dictionary
Cat Face (Fernando Botero) — Cat Face is an early sculpture by the famous Columbian artist Fernando Botero. First revealed in 1966, it pre dates his bronze cats [ [http://www.artcyclopedia.com/masterscans/l67.html Cat, by Fernando Botero ] ] found in the cities of Barcelona… … Wikipedia
face — FÁCE, fac, vb. III. a. tranz. I. 1. A întocmi, a alcătui, a făuri, a realiza, a fabrica un obiect. Face un gard. ♢ A procura un obiect, dispunând confecţionarea lui de către altcineva. Îşi face pantofi. 2. A construi, a clădi; a ridica, a aşeza.… … Dicționar Român
Cắt Tê — Origin Vietnamese Type Trick taking Players 3 6 Cards 52 … Wikipedia
Cat senses — are adaptations that allow cats to be highly efficient predators. Cats have acute sight, hearing and smell, and their sense of touch is enhanced by long whiskers that protrude from their heads and bodies. These senses allow cats to hunt… … Wikipedia
Cat Food — Cat Foot Single par King Crimson extrait de l’album In the Wake of Poseidon Face B Groon Sortie 13 mars 1970 Enregistrement Wessex Sound Studios (Londres … Wikipédia en Français
cât — CÂT, Ă, conj., prep., adv., (IV) câţi, te, pron. (V) câturi, s.n. I. conj. 1. (Introduce propoziţii temporale) În timpul în care..., atâta timp, până când... Se poartă frumos cu mine cât ştie că i sunt de folos. ♢ expr. (reg.) Cât ce... = îndată… … Dicționar Român
Cat behavior — is how cats interact with other cats, other animals, and their environment. The cat is one of the most vocal and expressive mammals. Its attitude towards other cats can be affectionate, aggressive, shy, and so on. Other animals often cue an… … Wikipedia
Cat pheromone — Cat pheromones are pheromones that are used by cats and other felides for cat communication. Feline facial pheromone Feline facial pheromone is a hypothetical pheromone used by cats to mark places, objects, and persons as familiar by rubbing… … Wikipedia
Cat Soup — Directed by Tatsuo Sato Produced by Yuji Matsukura … Wikipedia
Cat's Eye — キャッツ アイ (Кошачий глаз) Жанр драма, кри … Википедия