- carrack
- 1. горная порода, состоящая из кварца, турмалина и роговой обманки 2. зальбанд
* * *• горная порода, состоящая из кварца, турмалица и роговой обманки• зальбанд• оторочка
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
carrack — [kar′ək] n. [ME carrack < OFr caraque < OSp carraca < Ar qarāqīr, pl. of qurqūr, merchant ship: < ? Gr kerkouros, a light vessel < kerkos, tail + oura, tail, stern (see URO 2)] GALLEON … English World dictionary
Carrack — Car rack, n. See {Carack}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Carrack — (engl., spr. Karräck), pikante Sauce aus Soya, Ketschup, Wallnußsaft, Anschovis, Schalotten, Lauch u. Essig; eine ähnliche Bereitung, durch Cochenille etwas geröthet, heißt Carrachea (spr. Karrätschi) … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
carrack — late 14c., from O.Fr. carraque, from Arabic qaraqir, pl. of qurqur merchant ship, perhaps from L. carricare (see CHARGE (Cf. charge)). Or perhaps from Gk. karkouros boat, pinnacle … Etymology dictionary
Carrack — Paul Carrack im Interview mit SWR Moderator Bob Murawka Paul Carrack (* 22. April 1951 in Sheffield, England) ist ein britischer Songschreiber, Sänger, Keyboarder und Gitarrist und Mitglied von Mike the Mechanics … Deutsch Wikipedia
Carrack — For the rocks off the Cornish coast, see The Carracks. The carrack Victoria of Magellan … Wikipedia
carrack — Carack Car ack, n. [F. caraque (cf. Sp. & Pg. carraca, It. caracca.), LL. carraca, fr. L. carrus wagon; or perh. fr. Ar. qorq[=u]r (pl. qar[=a]qir) a carack.] (Naut.) A kind of large ship formerly used by the Spaniards and Portuguese in the East… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Carrack — This surname is of either medieval Scottish or English origin, and is a locational name from the ancient district of Carrick in Ayrshire, or from Carrock Fell in Cumberland. The latter place was recorded as Carroc in a Calendar of Documents… … Surnames reference
Carrack Gladden — is a coastal headland between Hayle and St Ives, Cornwall. The cliffs between the headland and Hawks Point to the east here are 60 metres high and are of metamorphosed Devonian slates.The acidic soils exhibit a range of vegetation types including … Wikipedia
carrack — noun Etymology: Middle English carrake, from Anglo French carrak, from Old Spanish carraca, from Arabic qarāqīr, plural of qurqūr merchant ship, from Greek kerkouros light vessel Date: 14th century a beamy sailing ship especially of the 15th and… … New Collegiate Dictionary
carrack — /kar euhk/, n. a merchant vessel having various rigs, used esp. by Mediterranean countries in the 15th and 16th centuries; galleon. Also, carack. [1350 1400; ME carrake < MF carraque < Sp carraca, perh. back formation from Ar qaraqir (pl. of… … Universalium