- carbon-14 analysis
определение возраста радиоуглеродным методом
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere — Carbon dioxide forms approximately 0.04% of the Earth s atmosphere. It is essential to photosynthesis in plants and other photoautotrophs, and is also a prominent greenhouse gas due to its radiative forcing strength.ConcentrationAs of November… … Wikipedia
Carbon dioxide — Carbon dioxide … Wikipedia
Carbon monoxide detector — connected to a North American power outlet A carbon monoxide detector or CO detector is a device that detects the presence of the carbon monoxide (CO) gas in order to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. CO is a colorless and odorless compound… … Wikipedia
Carbon nanofoam — is an allotrope of carbon discovered in 1997 by Andrei V. Rode and co workers at the Australian National University in Canberra. cite journal | last = Rode | first = Andrei V. | authorlink = | coauthors = et al. | year = 1999 | month = | title =… … Wikipedia
Carbon budget — refers to the contribution of various sources of carbon dioxide on the planet, and has nothing to do with political agendas, climate change legislation, carbon controls, carbon storage, or geopolitical carbon footprint.Balancing the Carbon… … Wikipedia
Carbon paper — (originally carbonic paper) is paper coated on one side with a layer of a loosely bound dry ink or pigmented coating, usually bound with wax. It is used for making one or more copies simultaneous with the creation of an original document.… … Wikipedia
Carbon accounting — is the accounting undertaken to measure the amount of carbon dioxide equivalents that will not be released into the atmosphere as a result of Flexible Mechanisms projects under the Kyoto Treaty. These projects thus include (but are not limited… … Wikipedia
carbon footprint — noun The extent to which a person, community or organization is responsible for the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere through use of fossil fuels • • • Main Entry: ↑carbon * * * ˌcarbon ˈfootprint 8 [carbon footprint] noun a measure… … Useful english dictionary
analysis — /euh nal euh sis/, n., pl. analyses / seez /. 1. the separating of any material or abstract entity into its constituent elements (opposed to synthesis). 2. this process as a method of studying the nature of something or of determining its… … Universalium
Carbon tax — Part of a series on Green economics Concepts … Wikipedia
Carbon monoxide poisoning — This article is about carbon monoxide poisoning. For general information on carbon monoxide, see carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide poisoning Classification and external resources Spacefilling model of a carbon monoxide molecule … Wikipedia