car body

car body
корпус вагонетки

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "car body" в других словарях:

  • Car body style — articleissues unreferenced = November 2007 original research = November 2007 Cars can come in a large variety of different body styles. Some are still in production, while others are of historical interest only. These styles are largely (though… …   Wikipedia

  • 2+2 (car body style) — The term 2+2 (pronounced two plus two ) is a phrase used to describe the configuration of a car with seating for two passengers in the front, plus two smaller seats for occasional passengers (or children) in the rear.2+2s have only two rear seats …   Wikipedia

  • Car classification — is subjective since many vehicles fall into multiple categories or do not fit well into any. Not all car types are common in all countries and names for the same vehicle can differ by region. Furthermore, some descriptions may be interpreted… …   Wikipedia

  • Body in white — or BIW refers to the stage in automotive design or automobile manufacturing in which the car body sheet metal (including doors, hoods, and deck lids) has been assembled or designed but before the components (chassis, motor) and trim (windshields …   Wikipedia

  • body — n. & v. n. (pl. ies) 1 the physical structure, including the bones, flesh, and organs, of a person or an animal, whether dead or alive. 2 the trunk apart from the head and the limbs. 3 a the main or central part of a thing (body of the car; body… …   Useful english dictionary

  • body bolster — Railroads. the lower transverse member of a car body to which the body center plate is attached. Cf. truck bolster. * * * …   Universalium

  • body bolster — Railroads. the lower transverse member of a car body to which the body center plate is attached. Cf. truck bolster …   Useful english dictionary

  • Car terminology — The Terminology used to describe various automotive parts differs considerably between British English and American English This article identifies common terms used in the automotive industry to aid understanding of different terminology. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Car handling — and vehicle handling is a description of the way wheeled vehicles perform transverse to their direction of motion, particularly during cornering and swerving. It also includes their stability when moving in a straight line. Handling and braking… …   Wikipedia

  • Car tuning — is both an industry and a hobby, in which a car is modified in order to improve its performance and handling and improve the owner s driving style. As most cars leave the factory set up for average driver expectations and average conditions,… …   Wikipedia

  • Body Snatchers — Body Snatchers, l invasion continue Body Snatchers, l invasion continue (Body Snatchers) est un film réalisé par Abel Ferrara en 1993. Il s agit du deuxième remake (après celui de Philip Kaufman en 1978) de L Invasion des profanateurs de… …   Wikipédia en Français

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