- camp site
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
camp|site — «KAMP SYT», noun. the site of a camp; a place suitable or used for camping … Useful english dictionary
camp site — /ˈkæmp saɪt/ (say kamp suyt) noun 1. an area chosen or suitable for the setting up of a camp: there were several possible camp sites nearby. 2. a plot of ground, as within a camping ground, on a hillside, etc., where an individual tent can be, or …
camp site — n. campground, area suitable for camping, camping area … English contemporary dictionary
camp·site — /ˈkæmpˌsaıt/ noun, pl sites [count] 1 US : a place where people can put up a tent The campsite includes a picnic table and a grill for cooking. 2 Brit : ↑campground … Useful english dictionary
Leffingwell Camp Site — Infobox nrhp | name =Leffingwell Camp Site nrhp type =nhl caption = location= Flaxman Island, 58 mi. W of Barter Island on Arctic coast of Alaska locmapin = Alaska lat degrees = 70 | lat minutes = 11 | lat seconds = 6.5 | lat direction = N long… … Wikipedia
C. Hart Merriam Base Camp Site — Infobox nrhp | name =Merriam, C. Hart, Base Camp Site nrhp type = nhl caption = nearest city= Flagstaff, Arizona locmapin = Arizona lat degrees = 35 | lat minutes = 18 | lat seconds = 9 | lat direction = N long degrees = 111 | long minutes = 57 | … Wikipedia
Golden Springs Motel, Holiday Park & Camp Site — (Reporoa,Новая Зеландия) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес … Каталог отелей
Camp George Meade — Camp George G. Meade in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania was a camp established and subsequently abandoned by the US Volunteers during the Spanish American War.HistoryThis was the second camp of the Second Corps. The Second Corps was relocated from Camp… … Wikipedia
Camp Massad (Manitoba) — Camp Massad (Machaneh Massad/מחנה מסד in Hebrew) is a Hebrew speaking Jewish and Zionist summer camp for campers aged 7 to 16 located at Winnipeg Beach in Manitoba, Canada. The camp was founded in 1953. Leona Billinkoff ( Gveret B ) was the first … Wikipedia
Camp Marcella — is a facility designed and owned by the New Jersey Camp for Blind Children (NJCBC) incorporated, a non profit organization started in 1947. For eight weeks during the summer, Camp Marcella offers free one or two week camping sessions for visually … Wikipedia
Camp Dubois — Camp Dubois, near present day Hartford, Illinois, served as the winter camp for the Lewis and Clark Expedition from December 12, 1803, to May 14, 1804. It was located on the east side of the Mississippi River so that it was still in United States … Wikipedia