- calyx
- 1. Ech. тека 2. Anth. чашечка, чашеобразная структура
dicyclic calyx двупоясковая /дициклическая/ чашечка
* * *направляющий цилиндр корончатого бура
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Calyx — or Calyce may refer to:* Calyx (kidney), a structural component of the mammalian kidney * Calyx (artist), a UK producer of drum and bass * Calyce (mythology), a figure in Greek mythology * Calyx (botany), the sepals of a flower * Calyx (zoology) … Wikipedia
Calyx — Ca lyx (k[=a] l[i^]ks; 277), n.; pl. E. {Calyxes} (k[=a] l[i^]ks*[e^]z), L. {Calyces} (k[a^]l [i^]*s[=e]z). [L. calyx, ycis, fr. Gr. ka lyx husk, shell, calyx, from the root of kaly ptein to cover, conceal. Cf. {Chalice Helmet}.] 1. (Bot.) The… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
calyx — 1680s, from L. calyx, from Gk. kalyx seed pod, husk, outer covering (of a fruit, flower bud, etc.), from root of kalyptein to cover, conceal (see CELL (Cf. cell)). The proper plural is calyces. Some sources connect the word rather with Gk. kylix… … Etymology dictionary
Calyx — (gr., Bot.), Becher, s.u. Blüthe II. c) … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Calyx — (lat.), Kelch; s. Blüte … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Calyx — (lat.), Kelch (s.d.) … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Calyx — ⇒ Kelch … Deutsch wörterbuch der biologie
calyx — (also calix) ► NOUN (pl. calyces or calyxes) 1) Botany the sepals of a flower, forming a protective layer around a flower in bud. 2) Zoology a cup like cavity or structure. ORIGIN Greek kalux case of a bud, husk … English terms dictionary
calyx — [kā′liks΄; ] also [, kal′iks΄] n. pl. calyxes or calyces [kā′lə sēz΄; ] also [ kal′ə sēz΄] [L, outer covering, pod < Gr kalyx: for IE base see CALIX] 1. the outer whorl of protective leaves (sepals) of a flower, usually green 2. Zool. a… … English World dictionary
calyx — SYN: calix. [G. cup of a flower] * * * ca·lyx also ca·lix kā liksalso kal iks n, pl ca·lyx·es or ca·ly·ces kā lə .sēzalso kal ə also ca·li·ces a cuplike division of the renal pelvis surrounding one or more renal papillae * * * n. (pl. calyces … Medical dictionary
Calyx — Ca|lyx 〈m.; , ly|ces〉 1. 〈Zool.〉 Körperteil der Haarsterne 2. 〈Bot.〉 Blütenkelch [<grch. kalyx „Kelch“] * * * Calyx der, /...lyces, Kalyx, Kelch, Botanik: der von den äußeren Hüllblättern (Kelchblätter) gebildete Blütenkelch … Universal-Lexikon