- calcarenite
- калькаренит (сцементированный известковый песок с обломками раковинного материала)
eolian calcarenite эоловый калькаренит
* * *калькаренит
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Calcarenite — Calcarénite Carrière de calcarénite (improprement dénommée carrière de corail) sur l île Rodrigues … Wikipédia en Français
Calcarenite — Calcarenite, dune rock or dune limestone, is a rock formed by the percolation of water through a mixture of calcareous shell fragments and quartz sand causing the dissolved lime to cement the mass together. The calcareinite material is often a… … Wikipedia
calcarénite — ● calcarénite nom féminin Roche sédimentaire résultant de la cimentation d un sable calcaire par du carbonate de calcium … Encyclopédie Universelle
Calcarénite — Carrière de calcarénite (improprement dénommée carrière de corail) sur l île Rodrigues … Wikipédia en Français
calcarenite — 1. Limestone or dolomite composed of coral or shell sand or of grains derived from the disintegration and erosion of older limestones. Size of particles ranges from 1/16 to 2 millimeters [10]. 2. A carbonate rock that consists predominantly … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
calcarenite — cal·ca·re·nite … English syllables
calcarenite — ˌkalkəˈrēˌnīt noun ( s) Etymology: calc + Latin arena sand + English ite more at arena 1. : a detrital carbonate rock formed of particles of sand grain size 2. : a consolidated lime sand … Useful english dictionary
eolian calcarenite — A terrestrial limestone formed by the cementation by carbonates of calcareous coastal dune sand. Often shorted to eolianite. Synonym: dune limestone; aeolianite. Compare beachrock … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
Nuyts Archipelago — The archipelago is an important breeding site for White faced Storm Petrels… … Wikipedia
Kalayaan, Palawan — Infobox Philippine municipality infoboxtitle = Municipality of Kalayaan sealfile = Ph seal palawan kalayaan.png locatormapfile = Ph locator palawan kalayaan.png caption = Map of Palawan showing the location of Kalayaan. region = Western Visayas… … Wikipedia
Rodrigues Starling — Conservation status Extinct (IUCN 3.1) Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia