- calc-spar
• известковый шпат• карбонат кальция
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
calc|spar — calc spar or calc|spar «KALK SPAHR», noun. Mineralogy. calcareous spar or rhombohedral crystallized calcite. ╂[< calc , as in calc sinter + spar3] … Useful english dictionary
Calc-spar — n. [G. kalk (L. calx) lime E. spar.] Same as {Calcite}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
calc-spar — Calcite Cal cite (k[a^]l s[imac]t), n. [L. calx, calcis, lime.] (Min.) Calcium carbonate, or carbonate of lime. It is rhombohedral in its crystallization, and thus distinguished from aragonite. It includes common limestone, chalk, and marble.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
calc-spar — /kalk spahr /, n. calcite. Also, calcspar. [1815 25; < Sw kalkspat calc spar; t > r by assoc. with SPAR3; see CALC ] * * * … Universalium
calc-spar — /kalk spahr /, n. calcite. Also, calcspar. [1815 25; Sw kalkspat calc spar; t > r by assoc. with SPAR3; see CALC ] … Useful english dictionary
calc-spar — kalcitas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Mineralas. formulė Ca[CO₃] atitikmenys: angl. calcite; calc spar rus. кальциевый шпат; кальцит ryšiai: sinonimas – kalcio špatas … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
calc — calc·spar; … English syllables
spar — calc·spar; feld·spar; fel·spar; fluor·spar; re·spar; spar·a·ble; spar·a·gus; spar; spar·er; spar·ga·ni·a·ce·ae; spar·ga·ni·a·sis; spar·ga·nid; spar·ga·ni·um; spar·ga·no·sis; spar·ga·num; spar·hawk; spar·i·dae; spar·ing·ly; spar·ing·ness;… … English syllables
spar — (sp[aum]r), n. [AS. sp[ae]r in sp[ae]rst[=a]n chalkstone; akin to MHG. spar, G. sparkalk plaster.] (Min.) An old name for a nonmetallic mineral, usually cleavable and somewhat lustrous; as, calc spar, or calcite, fluor spar, etc. It was… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Blue spar — spar spar (sp[aum]r), n. [AS. sp[ae]r in sp[ae]rst[=a]n chalkstone; akin to MHG. spar, G. sparkalk plaster.] (Min.) An old name for a nonmetallic mineral, usually cleavable and somewhat lustrous; as, calc spar, or calcite, fluor spar, etc. It was … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cube spar — spar spar (sp[aum]r), n. [AS. sp[ae]r in sp[ae]rst[=a]n chalkstone; akin to MHG. spar, G. sparkalk plaster.] (Min.) An old name for a nonmetallic mineral, usually cleavable and somewhat lustrous; as, calc spar, or calcite, fluor spar, etc. It was … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English