cable end

cable end
кабельный замок

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "cable end" в других словарях:

  • cable end sealing — kabelio galo sandarinimas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. cable end sealing vok. Kabelendvergießen, n rus. герметизация конца кабеля, f pranc. étanchement de l extrémité de câble, m …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • cable clamp — [1] A device for securing a cable end to the point where it connects. [2] A device which secures the outer sheath of a cable …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Cable Street — (pronEng|ˈkeɪbəl striːt) is a mile long road in the East End of London, with several historic landmarks nearby, made famous by the Battle of Cable Street of 1936.LocationCable Street runs between the edge of The City and Limehouse: parallel to,… …   Wikipedia

  • Cable railings — or wire rope railings are safety rails that use horizontal or vertical cables in place of spindles, glass, mesh etc for infill. UsesThis type of railing is favored in areas where view of the landscape or ocean would be impaired by other types of… …   Wikipedia

  • Cable management — refers to an important step during the installation of building services (ie electrical services) and the subsequent installation of equipment providing means to tidily secure electrical, data, and other cables. The term is often used… …   Wikipedia

  • Cable jetting — is a technique to install cables in ducts [ fiber/jetting explanation.asp] . It is commonly used to install cables with optical fibers in underground polyethylene ducts and is an alternative to pulling …   Wikipedia

  • Cable categorie 6 — Câble catégorie 6 Le câble catégorie 6 de classe E est une évolution en termes de gradation des performances du câblage pour les liaisons de type Ethernet utilisant des conducteurs à paires torsadées non blindées. Il est rétro compatible avec les …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Câble Catégorie 6 — Le câble catégorie 6 de classe E est une évolution en termes de gradation des performances du câblage pour les liaisons de type Ethernet utilisant des conducteurs à paires torsadées non blindées. Il est rétro compatible avec les câbles catégories …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Cable television in the Republic of Ireland — is the most common system for distributing multi channel television in the state. With a 40+ year history and extensive networks of both wired and wireless cable, the Republic of Ireland is amongst the most cabled countries in Europe.HistoryCable …   Wikipedia

  • Cable television headend — is a master facility for receiving television signals for processing and distribution over a cable television system. The headend facility is normally unstaffed and surrounded by some type of security fencing and is typically a building or large… …   Wikipedia

  • Cable modem termination system — Cable modem terminations system A cable modem termination system or CMTS is a piece of equipment typically located in a cable company s headend or hubsite, and used to provide high speed data services, such as cable Internet or voice over… …   Wikipedia

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