- yak
- Mamm. як
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
yak — yak … Dictionnaire des rimes
Yak — (Bos mutus) Systematik Unterordnung: Wiederkäuer (Ruminantia) Familie: Hor … Deutsch Wikipedia
yak — yak1 [yak] n. pl. yaks or yak [< Tibet g yag, male yak] a stocky, long haired wild ox (Bos grunniens) of Tibet and central Asia, often domesticated as a beast of burden and for its milk, meat, etc. ☆ yak2 [yak′it ē yak′yak; ] also, for n. 2 [ … English World dictionary
Yak — (y[a^]k), n. [Tibetan gyag.] (Zo[ o]l.) A bovine mammal ({Po[ e]phagus grunnies}) native of the high plains of Central Asia. Its neck, the outer side of its legs, and its flanks, are covered with long, flowing, fine hair. Its tail is long and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
yak|ow — «YAK ow», noun. the offspring of a yak and a cow: »Baby yakow…was bred to flourish in the uplands of Great Britain and eventually to provide inexpensive meat to residents of the U.K. (John P. Jordan) … Useful english dictionary
yak — s.m.inv. TS zool.com. mammifero ruminante (Poephagus grunniensis) originario dell altopiano del Tibet, di grandi dimensioni e caratterizzato da pelame lungo e scuro, dal quale ha avuto origine una razza di dimensioni minori {{line}} {{/line}}… … Dizionario italiano
yak — (Del ingl. yak, y este del tibetano gyag). m. Bóvido que habita en las altas montañas del Tíbet, notable por las largas lanas que le cubren las patas y la parte inferior del cuerpo. En estado salvaje es de color oscuro, pero entre los domésticos… … Diccionario de la lengua española
yak — Ⅰ. yak [1] ► NOUN ▪ a large ox with shaggy hair and large horns, used in Tibet as a pack animal and for its milk, meat, and hide. ORIGIN Tibetan. Ⅱ. yak [2] (also yack) informal ► VERB (yakked … English terms dictionary
Yak|i|ma — «YAK uh mah», noun, plural ma or mas. 1. a member of a confederation of American Indian tribes living on a reservation in the Yakima Valley of south central Washington. 2. the Shahaptian language of this group of tribes … Useful english dictionary
yak|ka — «YAK uh», noun. Australian Slang. hard work … Useful english dictionary
Yak — Yak, so v.w. Ziegenochs, s.d … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon