Смотреть что такое "xerocole" в других словарях:
Xerocole — Xerocoles are animals adapted to live in a desert. Under the scorching rays of sun, the arid and baked sands of deserts may appear to be devoid of animal life. But surprisingly a large number of animal species may thrive there. The animals are… … Wikipedia
xerocole — xe·ro·cole … English syllables
xerocole — … Useful english dictionary
Chionophile — Animals that can thrive in cold winter conditions are called chionophiles ( from the Greek chion meaning snow, and phile meaning lover ). These animals have specialized adaptations that help them survive the harshest winters. Japanese Macaques… … Wikipedia
Xerophyte — The Joshua tree is an example of a xerophyte. A xerophyte or xerophytic organism (from Greek xero dry, phuton plant) is a plant which has adapted to survive in an environment that lacks water, such as a desert. Xerophytic plants may have adapted… … Wikipedia
xerocolous — adjective see xerocole … Useful english dictionary