- wetlands
- сильно увлажнённые [заболоченные] земли; приливно-отливная зона побережья
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
wetlands — noun An area or region that is characteristically saturated; a marsh. Their hike in the wetlands took them all the way across the marsh but gave them dozens of mosquito bites … Wiktionary
Wetlands International — ist eine Non Profit Organisation und fokussiert sich auf den Erhalt von Feuchtgebieten und deren nachhaltige Nutzung. Die Organisation wurde 1954 als International Wildfowl Inquiry mit ursprünglichem Fokus auf den Schutz von Wasservögeln… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Wetlands International — is a global non profit organisation dedicated solely to the work of wetland conservation and sustainable management.It was founded in 1954 as the International Wildfowl Inquiry and the organisation was focused on the protection of waterbirds.… … Wikipedia
Wetlands Ecology and Management — Titre abrégé Wetlands Ecol. Manage. Discipline Conservation de la nature … Wikipédia en Français
Wetlands ecology and management — Wetlands ecology and management Pays … Wikipédia en Français
Wetlands (video game) — Wetlands is a 1995 computer game developed by created by Hypnotix, Inc. and published by New World Computing for DOS.The sci fi storyline is set in the distant future, after the icecaps have melted and the entire earth has become a waterworld… … Wikipedia
Wetlands (журнал) — Wetlands Специализация: исследование водно болотных угодий Периодичность: 6 раз в год Язык: английский Издатель: Springer Science Страна … Википедия
Wetlands International — (Международные водно болотные угодья) международная неправительственная организация, ставящая своей целью сохранение и восстановление водно болотных угодий, их биоразнообразия и природных ресурсов на основе развития научных исследований и… … Википедия
Wetlands of the United States — Contents 1 Wetlands Loss in the United States 2 National Wetlands Inventory 3 Geodatabase Characteristics and Status … Wikipedia
Wetlands of Louisiana — The wetlands of Louisiana are water saturated coastal and swamp regions of southern Louisiana.The Environmental Protection Agency defines wetlands as an area that is regularly saturated by surface water or groundwater and is characterized by a… … Wikipedia
Wetlands of New Zealand — New Zealand has several notable wetlands.DefinitionThe Resource Management Act 1991, an important Act of Parliament determining land use, defines wetlands as permanently or intermittently wet areas, shallow water, and land water margins that… … Wikipedia