- washover
- 1. намыв, отложение (при заплеске) 2. маленькая дельта (на стороне косы, обращенной к суше) 3. переливание, заплеск
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
washover fan — A fan like deposit of sand washed over a barrier island or spit during a storm and deposited on the landward side. Washover fans can be small to medium sized and completely subaerial, or they can be quite large and include subaqueous margins… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
washover-fan slope — A subaqueous extension of a washover fan flat that slopes toward deeper water of a lagoon or estuary and away from the washover fan flat. Compare: washover fan flat. SSS … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
washover-fan flat — A gently sloping, fan like, subaqueous landform created by overwash from storm surges that transports sediment from the seaward side to the landward side of a barrier island (GG). Sediment is carried through temporary overwash channels that… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
washover-fan apron — (not preferred) use washover fan flat … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
Overwash — is the flow of water and sediment over the crest of the beach that does not directly return to the water body (such as ocean, sea, bay or lake; hereafter, ocean) where it originated after water level fluctuations return to normal. There are two… … Wikipedia
coastal landforms — ▪ geology Introduction any of the relief features present along any coast, the result of a combination of processes, sediments, and the geology of the coast itself. The coastal environment of the world is made up of a wide variety of… … Universalium
back-barrier flat — A subaerial, gently sloping landform on the lagoon side of the barrier beach ridge composed predominantly of sand washed over or through the beach ridge during tidal surges; a portion of a barrier flat. Compare: washover fan flat. SSS … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
backshore — The upper or inner, usually dry, zone of the shore or beach, lying between the high water line of mean spring tides and the upper limit of shore zone processes; it is acted upon by waves or covered by water only during exceptionally severe… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
barrier flat — A relatively flat, low lying area, commonly including pools of water, separating the exposed or seaward edge of a barrier beach or barrier island from the lagoon behind it. An assemblage of both deflation flats left behind migrating dunes and… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
lagoonal deposit — Sand, silt or clay sized sediments transported and deposited by wind, currents, and storm washover in the relatively low energy, brackish to saline, shallow waters of a lagoon. Compare: estuarine deposit, fluviomarine deposit, marine… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
shore complex — Generally a narrow, elongate area that parallels a coastline, commonly cutting across diverse inland landforms, and dominated by landforms derived from active coastal processes which give rise to beach ridges, washover fans, beaches, dunes,… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms