Смотреть что такое "vlei" в других словарях:
vlei — [ fleı ] noun count SOUTH AFRICAN in South Africa, a piece of ground that is covered with water in the RAINY season or permanently contains water … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Vlei — The word Vlei comes from Dutch and Afrikaans and is the word used to describe certain classes of bodies of inland waters in southern Africa. The pronunciation is Flay . The word occurs by itself as a noun or as a suffix forming the names of… … Wikipedia
vlei — UK [fleɪ] / US noun [countable] Word forms vlei : singular vlei plural vleis South African in South Africa, a piece of ground that is covered with water in the rainy season or that permanently contains water … English dictionary
vlei — /vleɪ/ (say vlay) noun South African 1. a shallow pool of water. 2. a piece of low lying land covered with water in the rainy season. Also, vley. {Dutch dialect vlei, from Dutch vallei valley} …
Vlei Rat — Taxobox name = Vlei Rat status = LC | status system = IUCN3.1 regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Mammalia ordo = Rodentia familia = Muridae genus = Otomys species = O. irroratus binomial = Otomys irroratus binomial authority = (Brants … Wikipedia
vlei rats — afrikinės pelkiažiurkės statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas gentis apibrėžtis Gentyje 10 rūšių. Paplitimo arealas – beveik visa Afrika. atitikmenys: lot. Otomys angl. groove toothed rats; swamp rats; vlei rats rus. африканские… … Žinduolių pavadinimų žodynas
vlei — noun A wet land or lake … Wiktionary
vlei — [fleɪ, vlʌɪ] noun S. African a shallow natural pool of water or area of marshy ground. Origin Afrik., from Du. vallei valley … English new terms dictionary
vlei — n. S.Afr. a hollow in which water collects during the rainy season. Etymology: Du. dial. f. Du. vallei valley … Useful english dictionary
vlei rat — noun : a southern African murid rodent (Otomys irroratus) that has long shaggy grizzled pelage, broad ears, and a short scaly tail and is often destructive to young conifers … Useful english dictionary
Southern African Vlei Rat — Conservation status Least Concern (IUCN 3.1) Scientific classification … Wikipedia