- vesicularity
- пузырчатость
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
vesicularity — noun see vesicular … New Collegiate Dictionary
vesicularity — noun The state or condition of being vesicular; presence of vesicles … Wiktionary
vesicularity — … Useful english dictionary
vesicular — adjective Etymology: New Latin vesicula vesicle, from Latin, small bladder Date: 1715 1. containing, composed of, or characterized by vesicles < vesicular lava > 2. having the form or structure of a vesicle 3. of or relating to vesicles •… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Volcanic Explosivity Index — The Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) was devised by Chris Newhall of the U.S. Geological Survey and Steve Self at the University of Hawaiokinai in 1982 to provide a relative measure of the explosiveness of volcanic eruptions. Volume of products,… … Wikipedia
Scoria — is a textural term for macrovesicular volcanic rock. It is commonly, but not exclusively, basaltic or andesitic in composition. Scoria is light as a result of numerous macroscopic ellipsoidal vesicles, but most scoria has a specific gravity… … Wikipedia
slagginess — noun The state or condition of being slaggy (resembling or containing slag). The absence of slagginess and vesicularity in the considerable thickness exposed is also against its being a lava … Wiktionary
Nintoku Seamount — Map Bathymetric mapping of Nintoku … Wikipedia
tephra — A collective, general term for any and all clastic materials, regardless of size or composition, ejected from a vent during a volcanic eruption and transported through the air; including ash [ volcanic; < 2 mm ], blocks [ volcanic; > 64… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms