Vermiculite — Catégorie IX : silicates[1] Général … Wikipédia en Français
vermiculite — [ vɛrmikylit ] n. f. • 1875; de vermiculé et lite, pour lithe ♦ Minér., Techn. Silicate hydraté provenant de l altération du mica, se présentant en petites écailles. La vermiculite est utilisée comme isolant et adsorbant. ● vermiculite nom… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Vermiculite — Ver*mic u*lite, n. [L. vermiculus, dim. of vermis worm.] (Min.) A group of minerals having, a micaceous structure. They are hydrous silicates, derived generally from the alteration of some kind of mica. So called because the scales, when heated,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
vermiculite — 1814, from L. vermiculari (from vermiculus, dim. of vermis; see WORM (Cf. worm)) + ITE (Cf. ite) … Etymology dictionary
vermiculite — ☆ vermiculite [vər mik′yə līt΄ ] n. [< L vermiculus, dim. of vermis,WORM + ITE1] any of a number of very soft, monoclinic, hydrous silicate minerals resulting usually from alterations of mica and occurring in tiny, leafy scales that expand… … English World dictionary
Vermiculite — Infobox mineral name = Vermiculite category = boxwidth = boxbgcolor = caption = formula = (MgFe,Al)3(Al,Si)4O10(OH)2·4H2O color = Bronze Yellow habit = Clay, scaly, aggregate system = Monoclinic twinning = cleavage = Perfect fracture = Uneven… … Wikipedia
Vermiculite — Vermiculit Vermiculit Chemische Formel (Mg0,5,Ca0,5,Na,K)0,7(Mg,Fe,Al)3[(OH)2|(Al,Si)2Si2O10] · 4H2O Mineralklasse Drei Schichtsilikate (Phyllosilikate) VIII/H.21 10 (nach … Deutsch Wikipedia
vermiculite — /veuhr mik yeuh luyt /, n. any of a group of platy minerals, hydrous silicates of aluminum, magnesium, and iron, that expand markedly on being heated: used in the expanded state for heat insulation and as a plant growth medium. [1815 25, Amer.;… … Universalium
vermiculite — A product commonly used by gardeners, who mix it into soil in order to aerate the soil. Vermiculite is sometimes mixed into plaster as an aggregate to make plaster easier to carve, and to give it a pleasing texture. An alternative softening… … Glossary of Art Terms
vermiculite — vermikulitas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Mineralas. formulė Formulę žr. priede. priedas( ai) Grafinis formatas atitikmenys: angl. vermiculite rus. вермикулит … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
vermiculite — noun Etymology: Latin vermiculus little worm Date: 1824 any of various micaceous minerals that are hydrous silicates resulting usually from expansion of the granules of mica at high temperatures to give a lightweight highly water absorbent… … New Collegiate Dictionary