- vanadium
- ванадий, V
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Vanadium — (IPAEng|vəˈneɪdiəm) is a chemical element that has the symbol V and atomic number 23. A soft and ductile element, vanadium naturally occurs in about 65 different minerals and is used mainly to produce certain alloys. It is one of the 596 elements … Wikipedia
VANADIUM — Le vanadium est l’élément chimique de symbole V et de numéro atomique 23. C’est un élément de transition du groupe Va de la classification périodique. Il a été découvert de façon certaine en 1830, dans un minerai de fer suédois, par Nils Gabriel… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Vanadium — Titane ← Vanadium → Chrome … Wikipédia en Français
vanadium — Symbol: V Atomic number: 23 Atomic weight: 50.9415 Soft and ductile, bright white metal. Good resistance to corrosion by alkalis, sulphuric and hydrochloric acid. It oxidizes readily about 933K. There are two naturally occurring isotopes of… … Elements of periodic system
Vanadium — Va*na di*um, n. [NL., fr. Icel. Vanad[=i]s, a surname of the Scandinavian goddess Freya.] (Chem.) A rare element of the nitrogen phosphorus group, found combined, in vanadates, in certain minerals, and reduced as an infusible, grayish white… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Vanadium [1] — Vanadium (Vanadin) V, Atomgew. 51,2, ein hellgraues, silberglänzendes Pulver, dessen spez. Gew. 5,5 und dessen Schmelzpunkt 1680° ist. Es verhält sich in chemischer Beziehung ähnlich wie Niob und Tantal; oxydiert sich langsam an der Luft,… … Lexikon der gesamten Technik
Vanadium [2] — Vanadium (Vanadin), V, Atomgew. 51,0, spez. Gew. 5,7, Schmelzpunkt 1715°. Vanadinit ist in Peru und Neu Mexiko abbauwürdig [1]. Die wichtigsten seiner fünf Oxyde sind: Vanadiummonoxyd V2O, Vanadiumtrioxyd V2O3 und Vanadiumpentoxyd… … Lexikon der gesamten Technik
vanadium — rare metallic element, 1833, named 1830 by Swedish chemist Nils Gabriel Sefström (1787 1845), from O.N. Vanadis, one of the names of the Norse beauty goddess Freyja (see FREYA (Cf. Freya)), perhaps because of its colorful compounds … Etymology dictionary
vanadium — [və nā′dē əm] n. [ModL < ON Vanadis,FREYA + IUM: name proposed (1831) by BERZELIUS Baron Jöns Jakob for element discovered independently by N. G. Sefström (1787 1845), Swed chemist, and previously (1801) by A. M. del Rio (1764 1849), Mex… … English World dictionary
Vanadium — Eigenschaften … Deutsch Wikipedia
vanadium — /veuh nay dee euhm/, n. Chem. a rare element occurring in certain minerals and obtained as a light gray powder with a silvery luster or as a ductile metal: used as an ingredient of steel to toughen it and increase its shock resistance. Symbol: V; … Universalium